Title: Healthcare Specialized Services | GAVS Technologies
1GAVS Technologies
Healthcare Specialized Services
2GAVS specialized healthcare service offerings
drive healthcare mobility through TeleHealth and
can take your healthcare offerings to a whole new
frontier with leading-edge AI solutions for life
sciences. Our TeleHealth solutions are backed by
cloud enablement, desktop virtualization, device
intelligence, connective tools, patient
engagement apps, and patient 360 a consolidated
view of patient information.
3Immersive Patient Experience Through TeleHealth
Integrated Bundled Apps with Microsoft
Teams/Skype - Connective Tools for Advanced
Specialty Treatment through Integrated Care
(Cardiology, Endocrinology)
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare - Resell
Implement - Cybersecurity Solutions for Data
Security and Compliance to International
Regulations and Standards
Patient Engagement Enhancements - Cognitive
Chatbots Physician Apps, Voice Recognition,
Language Understanding for Foreign Language
Patients, Emotional AI
4Immersive Patient Experience Through TeleHealth
Device Intelligence - Remote Monitoring
Maintenance RMP through Interconnected Smart
Devices, Predictable Device Uptime with ZIF
Platform for Seamless, Timely Services and
Elimination of Unwanted Costs
Patient 360 - Personal Health Records Integration
with IoMT - Data Ingestion from Personal Health
Devices and Link with Patient Profiles for
Comprehensive Patient 360 and Subsequent
zDesk - IP Solution for Secure Provider Access to
Patient Data Anytime, Anywhere and from Any
5AI/ML-led Solutions for Life Sciences
Current and Future Applications - Gene Editing,
Genome sequencing, Clinical Workflows, Consumer
Genomics Products, Disease Prediction with
Genomics, Pharmacy Genomics, Genetic New-born
Clustering (Unsupervised learning) Binning of
Metagenomics Contigs, Identification of Plasmids
Chromosomes, Clustering Reads into Chromosomes
for Better Assembly, Clustering of Reads as a
Preprocessor for Assembly of Reads
Classification (Supervised learning) Classifying
Shorter Sequences into Classes (Phylum, Genus,
Species), Phylogenetic Inference of the
Sequences, Detection of Plasmids Chromosomes,
Finding Coding Regions, Chromosome Prediction in
Human Genomics
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GAVS Technologies 116 Village Blvd, Suite 200,
Princeton, New Jersey 08540, USA. Website -