Title: Mobile App Design And Development By LiangTuang Technologies
1Mobile App
Design And Development
By LiangTuang Technologies
We are the path-finder in creating the future for
humanity. We define future powered by designed
imagination. Our Massive Transformative Purpose
(MTP) WHAT WE DO? LiangTuang Technology builds,
designs and maintains mobile applicationsand
websites to fulfill the requirements of the
clients. LiangTuang Technology also provides
Digital Marketing Services like Search Engine
Optimization ( SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC),
Social MediaMarketing (SMO), and App Store
Optimization (ASO). and lotmore.
3Our Web Development Service
- Types of mobile development Service
- Android Mobile App Development
- Ios Mobile App Develoment
- Cross Platform Mobile App Development
4Android App Development
Android is the most used mobile phone in today's
world. Android has the most app available on the
playstore and it is increasing day by day.
Android is the most famous platform these days.
Like Apps are increasing day by day and so are
5Ios App Development
Ios App Development is the process of mobile app
development for iphone users, LiangTuang is the
best mobile application development company,
There are highly experienced App developers, we
build ios apps for clients which helps in
growing their business. Users who have ios
experience a very interactive user interface.
6Cross-Platform Mobile App Development
Cross-platform mobile app development is a
process to develop an app that can run on
various platforms. It will be much easier to
post products or services, we can target more
audiences with the help of cross-platform mobile
7Contact Us
Email -
- Phone No. - 1 210 209 8841
- Address - 2633, Mckinney ave ste 130
- Dallas, tx 75204, USA