Title: E-Governance Solutions
2What is E-governance
E-governance is the use of IT for conveying
taxpayer supported organizations, trade of data,
correspondence exchanges, incorporation of
different independent frameworks between
government to resident (G2C), government-to-busine
ss (G2B), government-to-government (G2G),
government-to-representatives (G2E) just as
administrative center cycles and cooperation's
inside the whole government system.
3Digital India
Digital India is a mission dispatched by the
Government of India to guarantee the
Government's administrations are made accessible
to residents electronically by improved online
framework and by expanding Internet availability
or making the nation carefully enabled in the
field of innovation.
4Smart Cities, Smarter Citizens
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Speed
- Saving Costs
- Illiteracy
- Technical Difficulties cost
- Loss of Interpersonal Communication
- Leakage of Personal Information
Unwind learning labs (In22labs) is one of the
best innovative e-governance IT solutions
company in India. Here we have created more than
100 government portals and we also maintain
these portals. We are launched customer satisfied
software for Indian governments. Industries like
LMS suite, Vendor Bill Management system,
Finance Audit System etc.
7service industries
- LMS Suite
- Mobile Solutions
- Social Welfare Suite
- Finance Audit System
- GIS Tagging Solutions
- Managed Cloud Solutions
- Vendor Bill Management system
- Dashboard Analytics Solutions
- E-Office File Management System
- Pollution Control And Environment System
- Fisheries Inland Water Management System
8In22 Labs Unit of Unwind Learning Labs Pvt Ltd
Module 308, NSIC Software Tech Park, B 24,
Guindy Industrial Estate, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai
- 600032. Email mis_at_in22labs.com