Title: Functional testing company
1Welcome to Webomates
Webomates provides a cloud-based AI software
testing as a service platform to carry out
software functional testing in guaranteed
timeframes. The platform creates test cases
scripts and executes them using multiple testing
execution techniques like AI Automation,
Automation, Crowdsource AI enhanced manual. At
the end of the execution what you get is the
actionable triaged defects. Every execution
result is recorded and auditable from the CQ
2An Ideal Software testing process has to be a
holistic approach that involves combination of
various testing techniques to achieve a high
quality software. Broadly speaking, testing of
any application can be broken down on the basis
of two premises Operability and Efficiency.
Operability is taken care of by functional
testing and Efficiency is taken care of by
performance testing. Functional
Testing evaluates individual and cohesive
behaviour functions of a software system to
verify that they adhere to pre-defined
specifications. It tests the functional accuracy,
interoperability of subsystems and compliance
with pre-defined standards in the context of
functional and business requirements.
Performance testing is a non-functional testing
technique that exercises a system and then,
measures, validates and verifies the response
time, stability, scalability, speed and
reliability of the system in production-like
environment. In this article, we will assess the
differences between Performance and Functional
3- At Webomates, we value quality, and being an
independent functional testing company enables us
to report the transparent view. If you are
interested in our services and want to learn more
about the Functional testing services offered by
Webomates schedule a demo now! - apitestingservicesapiloadtestingapiautomation
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- Explore more at https//www.webomates.com
- Visit https//www.webomates.com/blog/regression
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