Title: Benefits of Organic Fulvic Acid - Optimally Organic
1Organic Fulvic Acid For Health
Optimally Organic
2Benefits Of Fulvic Acid
As much as we wish it were possible, the truth of
the matter is that science cannot recreate what
our bodies need for optimal health and
functionality. Synthetic and conventional
supplements can be found in most stores these
days, and they are ultimately pretty problematic.
Are there any benefits to these products? Sure,
but at the end of the day, the synthetic/conventio
nal supplements just cant measure up to
everything natural nutrients can do for the human
As much as we wish it were possible, the truth of
the matter is that science cannot recreate what
our bodies need for optimal health and
functionality. Synthetic and conventional
supplements can be found in most stores these
days, and they are ultimately pretty problematic.
Are there any benefits to these products? Sure,
but at the end of the day, the synthetic/conventio
nal supplements just cant measure up to
everything natural nutrients can do for the human
3Fulvic Ionic Minerals
Organic trace minerals play a vital role in our
health, our performance, and in our ability to
function properly. Unfortunately, these minerals
have been largely eradicated from our food
supply, which is where we used to get them.
Conventional farming practices have depleted
trace minerals to a significant degree.
4(No Transcript)
5Contact Us
Call in Customer Service1-818-292-8809930am-3p
m Monday-Friday10am-12pm Saturday(Pacific
Standard Time) or Email atinfo_at_optimallyorganic.
com OPTIMALLY ORGANIC, INC4607 Lakeview Canyon
Rd, Suite 384Westlake Village, CA 91361