Title: eBay Garden Furniture Vs Rattan Garden Furniture Ltd
1eBay Garden Furniture vs Rattan Garden Furniture
Comparing your own furniture with the other big
giants in the markets keeps us afresh with the
latest trends, customer expectations and
competitive. So, in this post we draw a
comparison between ourselves and the ecommerce
bargain giant eBay. eBay is a huge marketplace
that has earned a reputation of offering bargains
on anything over the years. Everyone stands a
strong chance to get a steal bargain, however,
that means items are mostly second hand or pre
owned. Though no questions on the quality and the
upkeep of the furniture items you get on eBay,
the quality issues though can be tricky. Its' not
just individuals who sell on eBay, many
businesses like us sell on eBay. We guarantee
that the products you get on our website or
store, the same quality is what we deliver
through eBay. However, buying from individuals
mean that you have to arrange for shipping and so
your search is limit to only local people.
2At Rattan Garden Furniture Ltd UK we offer free
shipping on every order and the shipping experts
come and arrange the furniture with you if you
ask for. Another point where we think we score
over the eBay is when you shop from the same
collection. The same collection has the entire
furniture under one roof. You can see, choose and
pick without hassles and create a synchronous
look in your garden. However, you will have to
struggle a lot at eBay. Though if you want to
pick individual pieces and create a contrasting
look, you will definitely find good pieces at
good prices on eBay. The shopping experience at
both the websites is different as we discussed
and it all depends on individual preferences.
Both the websites allow you to navigate
seamlessly, apply filters like materials size, no
of chairs, colours, etc. to make your selection
faster and easier. One difference that strikes
out is the brand name. At Rattan Garden Furniture
Ltd you know you are buying from one of the best
garden furniture manufacturers and so there won't
be any questions on quality, after sales service,
shipping etc. eBay focuses more on the type of
furniture rather than brand. (This might be of
concern when you are looking for branded
furniture). We operate through online and two
offline stores across UK where you can walk in,
test, examine, measure and talk to the design
experts and then make your decision. On eBay, you
can't be sure whether the pictures shared are
genuine or not since it comes from the individual
and not businesses most of the times. Since we
have a dedicated customer service, so all your
queries can be answered and solved by the
representatives. eBay too has customer care but
it is a huge marketplace dealing in hundreds and
thousands of stuffs, so all your queries won't
get answered quickly. To sum up, if you're
looking for individual pieces at bargain and you
don't have any issues using old furniture, you
can definitely consider buying from eBay
furniture. But, if you want to buy top quality
furniture that comes with warranty and answers
all your concerns and queries through an
extremely professional customer service, you can
look upon Rattan Garden Furniture Ltd as your
trusted and committed partner in delivering
happiness to your homes.