Title: Everything About Amethyst Gemstone
2THE NAME Is derived from the Greek word
amethystos Which means not intoxicated or
not drunk. It was believed this stone prevented
people from getting drunk when drinking alcohol
3Amethyst was once revered as the Jewel of the
4The intensity of its color determines the
value All Amethysts are purple. However, those
with a rich and deep purple color are rare and
therefore more valuable.
5Amethyst is one of the most adored gemstones by
the Royals From ancient times until today, royals
and societys elite from different parts of the
world have kept at least one amethyst piece in
their jewelry cases.
6One of the oldest sets of jewels in the Windsor
Collection is the Amethyst Demi-Parure It
belonged to Queen Victorias mother, the Duchess
of Kent, and weve seen Queen Elizabeth wearing
7One of the most precious Amethyst Jewelry in the
Royal World belongs to Swedens Monarchy
8Traditionally Gifted for 6th Anniversary Amethysts
are the traditional Wedding Anniversary gemstone
gift to celebrate the 6th year of marriage
also known as an 'Iron Anniversary' as its
said to contain the energy of passion and love.
9"The West" revered the stone for its Majestic
Properties Western Countries in the Middle Ages
adorned The Amethyst Gemstone. They made Emblems
and insignias out of Amethyst.
10THE BELIEF Leonardo da Vinci believed amethyst
had the power to control evil thoughts, to
quicken intelligence, and to make men shrewd in
business matters.
11AMETHYST OF THE SOUTH A city in Brazil was
repleted with Amethysts. Even the biggest church
in the town is built with this Purple gemstone,
in fact, more than forty tons of Amethyst were
used to make it.
12THE EMPRESS OF URUGUAY The largest Amethyst
geode, Originally discovered in the Artigas
region in northern Uruguay and transported to the
Crystal Caves in Atherton, Australia stands a
staggering 3.27 meters tall and weighs 2.5 tonnes!