Title: Most Underrated Gemstone Beads for Jewelry Making
1Bio link https//prismaticgems.wordpress.com/2021/
2There is a tendency to associate gemstones for
jewelry making with diamonds, rubies, or
sapphires. These always seem like the popular and
most obvious choice to make, but there are
lesser-known, under-rated crystals out there that
are also incredibly beautiful but have gotten the
limelight they deserve. There are thousands of
gemstones in the mineral world that go unnoticed,
many of which can be used to make a statement
piece or a truly beautiful piece of jewelry.
3Making your own gemstones for jewelry making can
give a sense of deeper attachment to your
ornament rather than just one that was picked up
at the store. If you are looking for some unique
stones to use in your very own creations, then
here are 5 most under-rated gemstones for jewelry
4This stone is a member of the Chalcedony family,
and it is perfect if you are looking for a
versatile stone. These stones are often
translucent and opaque, but some rare ones are
completely clear. Agate gemstones come in a wide
range of colors, including black, green,
turquoise, pink, and multiple shades of blue.
There are very few other wholesale gemstone beads
that come in these many colors in the
jewelry-making world.
Fluorite is another beautiful gemstone that
exhibits a fluorescent effect. It is fascinating
to know that these fluorite stones are made up of
the same elements that are present in our bones
and teeth. These stones range from transparent to
shades of blue, green, yellow, gold, lilac, and
Apatite is derived from the Greek word apatao,
which means to deceive. This gemstone gained this
reputation as it resembles so many other raw
gemstones in terms of color, enabling jewelry
makers to create beautiful pieces on a budget.
Sugilite is an opaque stone that ranges from
light grayish lilac to a deep purple. This is a
gemstone that is also quite powerful in the world
of crystal healing. It is said to embody divine
love and wisdom. It can also ease headaches and
promote general well-being. For those who believe
in the metaphysical powers of crystals, this
stone is perfect for you as they are known to
bring numerous benefits.
Tourmaline has a wider color range than any
other gemstone, ranging all the way from
colorless to shades of red, pink and blue, and
violet. They are also available in bicolor or
multicolor. This one, in particular, is not
frequently used in jewelry making, but it can be
quite a versatile gemstone, given the
availability of colors.
8Take away
Making your own jewelry using gemstones can give
you the freedom to express your sense of style
and design. You can buy loose gemstones through
small authentic online stores as well. Buying
loose gemstones allows you to choose what you do
with them. Making your jewelry can really bring a
deeper satisfaction to wearing it. It gives it a
deeper and more authentic touch than buy
gemstones jewelry one without putting too much
thought into the purchase. Here are only 5 of the
most underrated gemstones for jewelry making, but
there are a lot more in the mineral world that no
one talks about- go look for yours now! Source
Link https//prismaticgems.wordpress.com