Title: A PP Water Meter Box
1PP Water Meter Box
Proxl Global is one among the simplest PP Water
Meter Box Manufacturer
Proxl Global is one among the simplest production
of PP Water Meter Box that gives high-quality
meter box. We used the simplest raw materials in
making the products and this polypropylene
material is employed during a sort of
applications. This product features a very high
resistance to electricity and really lightweight.
A PP meter Box is that the most ideal alternative
to shield your meter from obliteration. Securing
your meter is probably going the simplest
endeavor that you simply can make because most
meter boxes are truly moderate, appealing and
3Features of PP Water Meter Box
Long reliable lifetime of box Environment
Friendly rust Proof Fire resistant upto fair
volume Lightweight essay to hold
4Dimensions of PP Water Meter Box
Length 325mm Width 260mm Height 180mm
5Contact Us-
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Address- 308/6, Shastri
Nagar,Delhi, Delhi,110052 Emailinfo_at_proxl.co.in
Contact info 91 9654658968