Title: Pancreas Plush Organ Toys - Nerdbugs Plush Toy Organs
1Cute, Funny, Adorable Body Parts Plush
Organs-Nerdbugs Plush Organs Nerdbugs Plush Toy
Nerdbugs plush organs are a fun, vibrant,
nerdy line of award-winning cute, adorable
funny body parts plush organs plush that are just
as lovable and giftable in a hospital room and
classroom. Our mission is to spread kindness and
stay nerdy.
We love spreading joy and ship our Nerdbugs organ
plushies worldwide.
This was the PERFECT heart pillow to give as a
gift. My brother had just had a quad bypass and I
thought it would be an appropriate gift for him.
It is soft, plush, and the colors are bright and
cheery. All of his doctors,n urses, and support
staff loved it. It was delivered as promised. It
is just a different take on a heart shaped
pillow. Love it.
2Uterus Plush Organ Toys - Who put the cuter-us in
uterus? - Nerdbugs Uterus Plushie Organ
Holy Cramp! Try not to ovary act at how adorable
this uterus plushie is! Make some womb for the
one of the cutest editions of the plush toy gang.
This 11 x10 x 3 inch plush makes an amazing
snuggle buddy and if you are a friend in need,
then this is the perfect friend indeed.
Makes a great get well gift for a loved one in
the hospital or post- surgery. Wonderful gift for
doctors, nurses, medical students or
professionals, science enthusiast, and medical
graduation or just the quirky loved one in your
This uterus plush toy makes a wonderful gift for
a gynecologist, post-surgery, has PCOS, fibroids,
endometriosis, reproductive issues.
3Thyroid Plush Organ Toys-Life is a gland
adventure!-Nerdbugs Thyroid Plushie Organ
I've got a secrete for you! We have a new
addition to our Nerdbugs family our very own
Nerdbugs Thyroid Plushie Organ Toys!
The thyroid is super important in making sure
your body is performing in tip-top shape! It
makes sure our bodies can use their energy
properly for everyday life!
Whether you are feeling tired, too hot or too
cold, even when you dont know how you feel this
little guy has always got the feels for you. )
This tender and loveable plush thyroid measures
8 x 10 x 4 inches and is a thoughtful gift for
your loved ones.
Perfect for someone with hyperthyroidism,
hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid cancer.
4WEB STORE e info_at_nerdbugs.com t 608.218.4041