Title: What happens one has bad placement of Ketu?
1What happens if one has bad Placement of Ketu?
2Plant ketu is known for very special planet in
vedic astrology. It is also called "headless
planet" or "Dragon's tale" The Planet Ketu has
played a very important role in a person's life,
whether it is good or bad. If your Ketu is
strong, Rahu automatically starts giving good
3Ketu as we know is a shadow planet, the Dragon's t
ale or the headless planet. Ketu represents
4Therefore, if a person has a bad placement of Ketu
, the persons mind becomes filled with
5The person will not know whats really happening t
o him. In simple, the person loses his focus in
6Especially, children who have bad placement of
Ketu will have lots of problems in studies. The
child can be really good in studies but his mind
will always remain in confusion.
7When Ketu is badly placed, the person may also
face problems with Money and wealth.
8Gemstone for Planet Ketu Cats eye gemstone is
recommended for Planet Ketu. Also known as
Lehsunia, the cats eye stone is beneficial for
those who want to strengthen their weak Ketu.
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