Title: Bronsospasm natural treatment
1Bronchospasm Natural Treatmenthttps//www.normal
Normal Breathing Health and Fitness
consultant Website - https//www.normalbreathing.c
- By Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Alternative Health
Educator and Author- Medically Reviewed
by Naziliya Rakhimova, MD
2Bronchospasm Definition, Symptoms, Causes, and
- Bronchospasm (definition) is defined as
constriction of bronchi and bronchioles. It can
generally happen due to 3 factorsa spasm in
the smooth muscles of bronchi and bronchiolesan
inflammation of the airways excessive
production of sputum (mucus) due to an allergic
reaction or possible irritation caused by
mechanical friction of air (due to shear stress),
overcooling or drying of airways (i.e., during
exercise-induced asthma). - Bronchospasm is a normal physiological reaction
to alveolar hyperventilation (Badier et al, 1998
Clarke et al, 1982 Jamison et al, 1987 OCain
et al, 1979 Sterling, 1968), as you can see from
the titles of these articles (see below). Do
people with bronchitis, asthma, and other
conditions suffer from alveolar hypocapnia (CO2
deficiency in airways)? What is known about
minute ventilation in people with bronchospasm?
3Ventilation rates (chronic diseases)
Condition Minuteventilation Number ofpeople All references orclick below for abstracts
Normal breathing 6 L/min Medical textbooks
Healthy Subjects 6-7 L/min gt400 Results of 14 studies
Asthma 13 (-2) L/min 16 Chalupa et al, 2004
Asthma 15 L/min 8 Johnson et al, 1995
Asthma 14 (-6) L/min 39 Bowler et al, 1998
Asthma 13 (-4) L/min 17 Kassabian et al, 1982
Asthma 12 L/min 101 McFadden, Lyons, 1968
COPD 14 (-2) L/min 12 Palange et al, 2001
COPD 12 (-2) L/min 10 Sinderby et al, 2001
COPD 14 L/min 3 Stulbarg et al, 2001
Cystic fibrosis 15 L/min 15 Fauroux et al, 2006
Cystic fibrosis 10 L/min 11 Browning et al, 1990
Cystic fibrosis 10 L/min 10 Ward et al, 1999
CF and diabetes 10 L/min 7 Ward et al, 1999
Cystic fibrosis 16 L/min 7 Dodd et al, 2006
Cystic fibrosis 18 L/min 9 McKone et al, 2005
Cystic fibrosis 13 (-2) L/min 10 Bell et al, 1996
Cystic fibrosis 11-14 L/min 6 Tepper et al, 1983
4What else influences bronchospasm?
- Chronic hyperventilation (breathing more air than
the medical norm) also leads to cell hypoxia and
immunosuppression regardless of
ventilation-perfusion ratio and arterial CO2
levels (it can get too high for many lung
pathologies). As a result of alveolar
hyperventilation, there are additional effects,
such as, - frequent respiratory infections, excessive
production of sputum (mucus) and chronic
inflammation. Allergic triggers (dust, pollen,
and many others) cause additional problems due to
the hypersensitive immune system caused by
systemic body hypoxia. All these factors narrow
airways and worsen their conductivity, triggering
bronchospasm. - Symptoms of Bronchospasm
- Bronchospasm symptoms include difficulty
breathing, wheezing, coughing, and dyspnea
(shortness of breath). Increased respiratory
ventilation drastically amplifies the effects of
5Causes and mechanism
- Bronchospasm mechanism follows from the above
Table, which shows that these groups of people
are heavy breathers. They all have low CO2 levels
in their lungs. As a result of low alveolar CO2,
they also have low body-oxygen levels due to
effects of alveolar hypocapnia, which either
destroys lungs (causing arterial hypercapnia and
hypoxemia as for people with COPD) or causes
arterial hypocapnia with reduced oxygen
transport, as an additional factor that is
present during bronchospasm.
- it can be successfully treated, as over 180
Russian medical doctors, found. The effective way
to deal with Bronchospasm is the Buteyko
breathing medical therapy that is approved by the
Russian Ministry of Health. - It has been applied to more than 200,000 people
with health problems (such as asthma,
bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, COPD,
and many others) that involve bronchospasm. - Bronchospasm cure (clinical remission), according
to these Russian medical doctors, as well as my
experience with 100s of my breathing students,
has simple criterion and goals for a person to
achieve. - Physical exercise with nose breathing is a very
beneficial lifestyle factor that assists
breathing retraining and gradual increase in body
oxygen stores. Nose breathing at exercise
prevents exercise-induced asthma. - symptoms can be effectively eliminated with
breathing exercises that involve those breathing
devices that trap exhaled CO2 (such as the
Amazing DIY breathing device, Frolov breathing
device, and Samozdrav). These devices help to
increase body-oxygen levels and reduce
bronchospasm in a matter of minutes. However, up
to 2-4 weeks are often necessary in order to
significantly change automatic or basal breathing
patterns. Any bronchospasm treatment must also
address lifestyle changes (prevention of supine
sleep, prevention of mouth breathing, and so
forth). The best lifestyle program can be found
in the Buteyko technique. The Amazing DIY
breathing device is likely the easiest way to
achieve clinical remission in relation to
7Thank You