Title: Remedies For Ketu Dasha (1)
1Remedies for Ketu Dasha
2In Vedic astrology Rahu and Ketu have been
considered a part of the same body. Ketu is an
inauspicious planet and it creates problems for
the person who has this planet in his kundli. To
reduce the bad results from Ketu, These remedies
of Ketu will help to reduce the ill effects of
3Fasting is a very effective remedy during Ketu
Dasha. Keeping fasts on Tuesdays and Saturdays
will prove beneficial in pacifying this
Dasha. Feeding Brahmins and dogs with rice is
also a good remedy. The person influenced by
Ketu should serve elder people and ascetics and
avoid telling his secrets to others.
4The things the person suffering from ill-effects
of Ketu should donate are goat, calf, blankets,
iron weapons, sesame, grey coloured materials,
etc. To calm Ketu, the person can donate
gemstones of this planet too. If he is suffering
from problems from the childrens as a bad
result of Ketu he should donate blankets in any
temple. Being the stone for Ketu, Cats eye stone
helps a person stay protected from the evil
effects of the planet Ketu.
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