Title: How to Improve Your Hair Growth After Hair Transplant?
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How to Improve Your Hair Growth After Hair
Cosmetic treatments are quite popular nowadays.
Hair transplant is also a cosmetic treatment that
aims to treat male pattern baldness. Male
pattern baldness or genetic hair loss is a
complex genetic scalp issue removing hair
entirely from a large area of the
scalp. Effective and appropriate results are
expected with a qualified hair transplant surgeon
in Ahmedabad. However, a hair loss patient plays
his role as well to get optimum results. After
the surgery, the hair loss surgeon is going to
provide a number of instructions to improve the
quality of hair growth. A hair loss patient must
follow the guidelines without making any
excuses. In this blog, we will discuss some
common matters that are vital to consider after
the surgery. Let us begin! Haircare After the
surgery, it is necessary you allow your scalp to
heal properly to ensure proper hair growth.
Moreover, you must look after transplanted hair
just according to the instructions of the hair
transplant surgeon. It is essential that you do
not touch your hair unnecessarily. Touching the
hair may lead to infection or hair damage.
2Washing the hair is an essential activity of hair
care. However, your surgeon would advise washing
your hair only after 48 hours. After that
period, you can wash your hair with the help of a
mild shampoo. According to hair loss experts, it
is better if you put some drops of shampoo in a
mug or cup and pour some water to make a soapy
mixture. You can use this mixture to wash your
hair gently. Do not use a shower since the
pressure of the water stream may damage your
newly transplanted hairs. Avoid strenuous
activities Your surgeon is likely to suggest
that you stop heavy activities for at least two
weeks. These activities include exercises,
sports activities, weight lifting, brisk walking
etc. In simple words, do not do anything that
leads to increased blood flow in your
head. Dealing with swelling and itching Some
swelling on the head after the surgery is not
abnormal. You can minimize it by sleeping with an
elevated head for one week. Applying ice is also
a good idea but it works only for the area above
your eyebrows. Do not apply ice on the treated
area. Itching is also a side effect that occurs
after the surgery. A patient should not touch or
scratch the scalp to calm the itchy feeling.
Your activity may damage your hair permanently.
Visit the clinic to get proper medication for the
itching issue. Hair products The only hair
product you can use after the surgery is shampoo.
For other hair products like hair dyes, lotions,
creams, and oil, you need to wait for more time.
Your surgeon will check your scalp and only he
will be the perfect person to allow you to start
using these hair products. Smoking and
drinking You have to leave these habits. Both
nicotine and alcohol are known to slow down the
healing process. We are sure you would not like
to witness altered results just because of these
habits. You can restart when your surgeon have
no problem with your smoking or drinking.