Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks


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Title: Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks

Top 10 Test Automation Frameworks

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • Robot Framework The robot framework is best if
    you want to use the python framework for your
    test automation process. The robot framework is
    python based. The Robot Framework uses a
    keyword-driven approach. Robot Framework can also
    test MongoDB, FTP, Android, etc. It has many test
    libraries, it also contains the selenium
    webdriver library and more other useful tools.
  • WebDriverIO WebDriverIO is an automation
    framework based on Node.js. It has an integrated
    test runner and you can run automation tests for
    web applications and mobile apps. It is efficient
    for both selenium webdriver based cross-browser
    testing and for chromium-based automation.

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • Citrus Citrus is an open-source framework, with
    the help of which you can automate the
    integration tests for any messaging protocol or
    data format. For any type of messaging transport
    such as REST, HTTP, SOAP, or JMS, the Citrus
    framework will be suited for test messaging
    integration. If you need to interact with a UI
    and then verify a back-end process, you can
    integrate Citrus with Selenium. For example, if
    you have to click on a send email button and
    verify on the back end that the email was
    received, Citrus can receive this email and
    verify the back-end results, all in one test.
  • Cypress Cypress is the best automation test
    framework for developers that makes test-driven
    development (TDD) a reality for developers. Its
    design principle makes the entire end-to-end
    testing experience pleasant and simple. cypress
    architecture is different from selenium
    webdriver, while selenium webdriver runs outside
    the browser, ad cypress runs inside the browser.
    Cypress can synchronously inform you of every
    single thing that happens inside the browser.

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • Selenium Selenium is one of the most popular
    open-source automation test frameworks for web
    apps. Selenium supports a variety of programming
    languages such as PHP, C, Python, Ruby, etc.
    Selenium is the base for many testing tools as it
    supports cross platforms and cross-browser
    functionality. Selenium is highly extendable
    through the varieties of libraries and APIs to
    meet the requirement and needs of the users.
    Selenium is mostly the preferred framework by
    testers because with this framework they can
    write any complex scripts to meet the different
    levels of complexity.

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • Cucumber Cucumber is a cross-platform
    behavior-driven development tool that is used to
    write acceptance tests for web applications.
    Cucumber is easy to set up the execution and it
    also allows reusability of code in tests. It
    supports multiple languages like PHP, perl,.net,
    python, scala and groovy, etc. There is one good
    feature in this framework is that both
    specification and test documentation are uploaded
    into a single updated document. Cucumber makes it
    easy for business stakeholders who are not
    familiar with testing also to read the code as
    test reports are written in readable business
  • Gauge Gauge is an open-source framework for mac,
    Linux, and windows. Gauge automation tests are
    written using markdown language with c, java,
    and ruby within your IDEs visual studio and
    eclipse. Gauges functionality can also be
    extended with the support of plugins.

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • Serenity if you are looking for a java based
    framework that can integrate with a
    behavior-driven development tool then serenity is
    the best tool for you. Its designed to make
    writing acceptance and regression tests easier.
  • Carina Carina is constructed using popular
    open-source solutions like Appium, TestNG, and
    Selenium. You can test mobile applications, WEB
    applications, REST services, and databases.
    Carina framework supports multiple types of
    databases like MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL.

Top Ten Test Automation Frameworks are as follows
  • EarlGray Developers often face difficulty with
    some of the latest test automation frameworks in
    synchronization of the app and the
    instrumentation. Google EarlGrey has built-in
    synchronization that makes test scripts wait for
    UI events to occur before the script tries to
    interact with the user interface. This type of
    implementation makes the test script to the point
    as all steps of the test script shows how the
    test will proceed and UI gets synchronized with

Online Testing Certificate Exam
  • Salesforce Apex Unit Testing Certification Exam
  • Software Testing Expert Certification Exam
  • Salesforce Development, Testing And Package
    Deployment Expert Certification Exam
  • Blackbox Testing Expert Certification Exam
  • Web Testing Expert Certification Exam
  • Whitebox Testing Expert Certification Exam

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