Title: Adult diapers - A boon during COVID-19 battle
1Adult diapers - A boon during COVID-19 battle
The world has come to a standstill as everyone
fights against the COVID-19 pandemic. Coronavirus
is continuing its spread across the globe, with
more than millions of confirmed cases in almost
188 countries. While the entire world is facing
the Corona crisis, it is getting difficult,
especially, for healthcare professionals to cope
day by day.
The doctors and paramedical staff are required to
wear a Personal protection kit or PPE which
covers them from head to toe before they treat
patients. The suit includes goggles, masks, and
gloves that cover them completely. Furthermore,
global standards limit the usage of one set of
PPE suit for 67 hours. However, due to the
increasing number of cases, there is a major
drift between demand and supply of these
protective suits. The shortage causes pressure in
healthcare professionals to save resources which
makes them stay straitjacketed for almost seven
hours whilst avoiding drinking water and bathroom
To remain on top of this situation the
professionals use leak-proof diapers for adults
not just in India but across the world. Like the
Indian peers, doctors in some other countries too
are resorting to the use of adult diapers for men
and women to save the bathroom trip altogether.
Moreover, it is a disaster for the female staff
who are on their periods and need to change their
pads or tampons regularly. The situation worsens
as May progresses, and comes to ends, the
temperature rises to 40 degrees or more in most
countries before the onset of monsoon. With the
PPE kit made of thick material, it can cause
suffocation, sweating, and other severe
conditions. Furthermore, as the Coronavirus
spreads more quickly in low temperatures,
hospitals are switching off ACs and fans even
during this weather which can further cause
dehydration, fatigue, mobility impairment, etc.
In situations like these adult diapers for men
and women act as a blessing in disguise for
these professionals by allowing them to drink
enough water to battle the heat and humidity of
the weather. Moreover, it acts as the perfect
solution while working through
2a shortage of PPE kits. The adult diapers for men
and women allow the medical staff to fight the
pandemic effectively without further
jeopardizing their personal health.
On the contrary, holding their pee can lead to
several other infections and be highly risky for
all the frontline professionals. Hence, apart
from aiding people to manage several types of
incontinence, leak- proof diapers for adults are
serving as a great help for all doctors and
paramedics in India and other parts of the world.
Lastly, as we fight the deadly virus, we must
continue to follow all the rules that are laid
out to control the pandemic and support all the
frontline professionals battling COVID-19.