Title: What Is a Minimum Viable Product?
1What Is a Minimum Viable Product?
2 What a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is?
The pioneers most famous MVP campaigner is the
author and pioneer of the Lean Startup
methodology, Eric Ries.
He gives the following definition of an MVP A
Minimum Viable Product is that version of a new
product which allows a team to collect the
maximum amount of validated learning about
customers with the least effort.
3Why MVP is Integral to a Business?
- Minimum Viable Product development plays an
important role in web development and app
development. - An MVP helps in the testing and designing stage,
before delivering the final product. -
- MVP process helps business owners understand
which features are important to their users.
4An MVP Has Three Key Characteristics
5MVP Aligns With Your Business Objectives
These questions might affect whether now is even
the time to start developing a new MVP.
6Determine Precise Problems You Want To Solve
It is imperative to be strategic in deciding
which limited functionality to include in your
MVP. You can take these decisions on a number of
factors, including
- User Research
- Competitive Analysis
- Receive User Feedback
- Relative Costs
7Build Your MVP
Once you have decided upon the main features, and
have learned about the market needs, you
can easily build your MVP. You just have to
keep in mind that a prototype is not intended to
be of lower quality than a final product, as it
still needs to fulfill your customers needs.
Therefore, it must be easy to use, engaging,
and suitable for your users.
1. Indeed, an MVP aims to solve a users core
problems with an application, by identifying the
pain points and then focusing on offering viable
solutions. 2. All you need is brainstorming,
followed by planning, designing and software
development. 3. If you need any help in
building an MVP for your project contact an
on-demand app development company.
If you have any questions, please feel free to
ask!!! You can find us at www.nimbleappgenie.co