Title: Brad Dean Myrtle Beach - An Award-Winning Leader
1Brad Dean Myrtle BeachAn Award-Winning Leader
2Education and Career
After earning a BS in Accounting and Finance from
the University of Illinois, Brad Dean of Myrtle
Beach commenced his career as one of the most
sought-after turnaround architects in modern
3International Business Leader
International business leader Brad Dean of Myrtle
Beach considers travel to be the most effective
method of experiencing other cultures, serving as
a powerful transformative force for changing
peoples lives and shaping their communities.
4Chief Executive Officer
While serving as the Chief Executive Officer of
Discover Puerto Rico, Brad Dean of Myrtle Beach
guided Puerto Rico in completely transforming its
significantly damaged tourism industry.
5An Integral Agent
Brad Dean of Myrtle Beach served as an integral
agent of change in repairing Puerto Ricos
tourism industry. While working as CEO of
Discover Puerto Rico, he implemented a
revolutionary multi-faceted marketing strategy,
expanding public relations and improving social
media engagement. He generated over 250 million
of positive publicity for the company within a
period of only eighteen months.
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