Title: Difference Between Neelam and Khooni Neelam
Difference Between Neelam and Khooni Neelam
2Blue sapphire is an astrological stone of Saturn
and also known as Neelam gemstone. Raktambar is
the composition of Rakt means blood and Ambar
means sky. It is said that khooni Neelam is the
strongest gemstone because it has the power of
two strong plants i.e. Saturn and Mars.
3Some people think that khooni sapphire is
another name of blue sapphire, but it is not
true. There is also a myth that blue sapphire
gemstone is called khooni sapphire because of
its bad effects on wearer whom its not suiting
so its recommended to consult with astrologers
before wearing this stone.
4This gemstone is a strong and fast- acting
natural gemstone like Neelam (Blue Sapphire) but
there is some difference in its appearance. It
exists in blue or little purple color and
reddish glow.
5Some of khooni Neelam gemstone has strakes
inclusions like tiny blood-shots, so because of
its appearance, its known as khooni Neelam. This
gemstone is unique because of its effects and
internal properties. Khooni Neelam is also known
as Raktambar Neelam.
6This Blue Sapphire is supposed to give rapid
gains to the individual including tremendous
inflow of wealth, name and success and it is
promoted like that. There are individuals who at
the time of desperation find these fancy hooks
terribly attractive. Raktambar Neelam means
blood-red color stone. Whom it suits, gave a
gain of wealth, fame and good health, but these
results are not permanent.
7As we discussed above Khooni Neelam or Raktambar
Neelam is one of the stronger gemstones in
astrology and always advised to wear with proper
recommendations because it is also a very
dangerous gemstone from other astrological stone
and also the reason behind the group of death or
more cursed Gemstones of the world.
8Incase You Still Have Any Queries Write To Below
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