Abnormal Psychology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Abnormal Psychology


Abnormal Psychology – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: rachelhch


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology -
Topic 1
  • Is this Normal or Abnormal?

Situation 1 A man kissing another man
  1. It is inside feeling and like other feelings
    which are inside us it would be normal.
  2. Its 2020 and love is free. Even if they are just
    friends, its fine too because it is just a way
    to show love.
  3. Its just a kiss. You can kiss anyone regardless
    of their gender.
  4. It may be the culture of some countries. Maybe in
    Malaysia, it is rare but it does not mean that it
    is abnormal.
  5. Love knows no gender. Maybe they were just
    friends and the kiss was just a way of showing
  6. I do believe that this is just another form of
    love. This is not harmful or forceful kind of
    relationship. Everyone is unique in their own way
    and that includes relationship among same gender.
    I may not be one, but that does not prevent me
    from respecting them.
  7. I do know some of my guy friends who are gay or
    bi, and also one of them was a haemaphrodite. It
    wasn't easy to accept at first, but I had to
    accept it at a certain point that my guy friend
    was choosing to behave like a female.

  1. It is weird and it might influence others to do
    so as well and from my beliefs it is wrong.
  2. The same gender having sexual tension and
    feelings towards each other just does not sit
    right with me because I get uncomfortable just by
    the thought of it.
  3. The action is weird and disgusting. I will have
    the mindset that they is gay.
  4. If its a mouth to mouth kiss or an intimate
    kiss, the action is showing some disgusting and
    weird early signs such as having the gay
  5. I have never seen any man kissing each other like
    that. It is so weird!
  6. It is something which not according to nature.
  7. It is something unusual action and its abnormal
    because it rare to see like that.

  1. In Malaysian culture, we rarely see a man kiss
    another man, it doesnt have to be an intimate
    kiss, kissing on the cheeks when greeting is
    something we rarely see in our culture compared
    to Americans so i feel like its abnormal.
  2. I just think its unusual and weird as it is not
    commonly seen in this culture.
  3. It depends to situation. If they kiss each other
    lips lovely they show a specific feeling but if
    as greeting I think is normal
  4. If it happened to me, I will feel awkward and
    nausea. Because I dont like, even I think its
    normal, but physically and mentally are rejected.
    The reason why I said that is normal but I cant
    accept it because the people (guys) around me
    they dont have this behavior but girl did.
    Accept certain situation.
  5. It's gay and maybe their hormone change.

Situation 2
A woman refusing to eat for several days
  1. This entirely depends on the situation and the
    reason she isnt eating, because sometimes people
    go or fasts where they only have liquid.
  2. It is all depend on the individual preferences.
    some people would choose not to eat for several
    days because they might not have anything
    suitable to eat, they may not be able to eat or
    bite where they only have some drinks, they can
    even be undergoing a treatment that makes them
    lose appetite to eat or they could be fasting due
    to some religious activities.
  3. According their jobs or goals, maybe they want to
    lose weight like models or athletes, or maybe
    they want to fast so they stop eating for a few

  1. I think she is too depressed. If she doesnt eat
    anything at all, she is not in a healthy state!
  2. Even though she is insecure about the percentage
    of her body fat or wanting to slim down to her
    desired weight, i feel that this act is abnormal
    due to the fact that it can especially harm her
    physical health where she could experience
    stomach ache, migraine and also gastrics.
  3. If she does not eat for days, she may develop
    health problems. She may be stressed or trying to
    lose weight.
  4. Food is one of the main source that keeps us
    going and if ur refusing for certain reasons like
    weight loss, mental health problems and more but
    there is always consequences.
  5. I think refusing to eat for days is abnormal,
    however, skipping meals or less appetite to eat
    is normal because of hormonal changes.

  1. She insecure with her body weight, she worry that
    she will gaining weight and she might have health
    problem such as stomach ache because she refusing
    to eat several days. It can link with eating
  2. She must be having depression which is considered
    not normal
  3. She may get health problems if she did not eat
    for several days. And it may related to eating
  4. Refusing to eat for days would mean that
    something has become more important to her than
    satisfying her basic needs- hunger. It shows that
    something is wrong with her.
  5. When a women have this behavior, mostly they are
    in a huge depression, stress, emotion and so on.
    Because as a human, we wont refuse to eat at
    all, because our body need food to maintain our
    body to keep have energy for our body.
  6. Refusing to eat for several days is an alarming
    situation as food is our basic need to survive.
    This could be the sign of physical, mental or
    even emotional health issues.

  1. A woman refusing to eat for several days is a
    abnormal behavior because as a humans we need to
    take food to keep our body in good health if
    though, we having or facing huge problems.
  2. If she worry about her weight or decide to get
    slim without eating it is not normal or she scare
    to increase her weight or another problems and
    they're not worry about their health
  3. It is unusual for someone to accept starving that
    could harm themselves.
  4. Having meals on daily basis is crucial for our
    body needs and not having any meals on several
    days is alarming as not only this is harmful to a
    persons physical health, this also indicates
    that the person could be having troubling
    thoughts which harms his/her mental health as
  5. She has no appetite and it's unbalanced diet.

Situation 3
A man driving a nail through his hand
  • Now we are living in 2020, so we should passed
    those traditional belief. Because of gender, we
    should stop doing or wearing specific things. As
    long as our appearance doesnt bother people, we
    can do whatever we like.

  1. He must be drunk and too tired and got
    unconsciously injured himself. He must be too
    hurt inside himself.
  2. This is very rare behavior that we never saw
    before this which how a person can hurt himself
    just for driving a nail.
  3. Causing so much of pain to oneself is not normal.
  4. No one would be in their right minds to purposely
    hurt themselves and enjoy the feeling of
    excruciating pain.
  5. Normal people dont cause themselves so much
    pain. It also means that he is stressed, so he
    self-harm to release his pressure.
  6. It will very hurt and painful.
  7. He is harming himself and that is a sign that
    something is wrong. Why would someone cause pain
    to themselves.

  • No one would simply cause pain to themselves
    unless they really go through some serious matter
    that they find it difficult to handle. he is
    self-harming himself in order to get some
    satisfaction and release his tensions. It could
    show that he is going through stress that could
    slowly leads to depression which causes him to
  • This might cause him some serious injuries that
    might not even thought of.
  • Its pain, disgusting and he is harming his own
    hand. So for me, it is wrong and I really don't
    appreciate such vulgar behavior.
  • I dont think someone would willingly harm
  • No one would hurt or harm themselves on purpose
    for no reason.
  • He can injure himself.

  1. Self harming is not something people would do. If
    they self harm, the reason for this is usually
    due to issue they have which troubles them and
    affects their daily live activities.
  2. Nobody like to harm him or herself,these people
    have problem and they don't like themselves.
  3. If he is a magician, I would be fine with it, but
    if his intentions were to harm himself, surely it
    is a part of abnormality.
  4. His behaviors is like to harm himself.
  5. He is using self-harm to release his stress.
    There are many ways to release stress and we
    normally will not choose self-harm because it
    will bring harm to us. So, he is in high stress
    and he need treatment soon.

Topic 2
  1. Whats Mental Illness Stigmatization?2. How to
    Fight Mental Illness Stigmatization?

  • Mental illness stigmatization is used to think
    that somebody was punished by God or having an
    unclean spirit inside their bodies, making the
    person to behave abnormally that other people
    find them annoying.
  • To fight mental illness stigmatization, the
    person can find support at Malaysian Mental
    Health Association (in Malaysia), and share their
    experiences to others to educate the public that
    there are many people facing the same thing, by
    using EndTheStigma and/or add Photo Frame if
    sharing on social media.
  • The societies in different countries can raise
    the awareness by organising the campaigns, like
    Mental Health Awareness Month in May and World
    Mental Health Day on 10th October, to share the
    infographics, videos, promote their support
    services and encourage the public to wear a lime
    green ribbon, which represents hope, strength,
    support, and encouragement for sufferers.

Topic 3
  • What are the Autonomic Arousal, Somatic and
    Psychological symptoms?

Autonomic Arousal Symptoms Responsible for many
of the body's automatic processes such as heart
rate, respiratory functions, digestion stomach
pain, rapid breathing and dizziness Somatic
Symptom A person having a significant focus on
physical symptoms, pain, weakness or shortness of
breath and muscle ache
Arousal Symptoms - Hard time concentrating and
controlling thoughts - Increased heart beat,
uncontrolled sweating and feeling of
stress Psychological Symptoms Feeling
nervous, restless or tense having a sense of
panic having an increased of heart rate
breathing rapidly sweating trembling feeling
weak or tired trouble concentrating
Topic 4
  • Panic Attack Symptoms

Sense of impending danger Fear of losing
Increase heart rate Uncontrolled sweating
Shortness of breath
Hot flashes Sudden chills Chest pains
Headaches Dizziness
Topic 5
  • Phobias

  • Types of Specific Phobia
  • Animal Type Dogs, snakes, or spiders
  • Natural Environment Type Heights, storms, water
  • Blood-Injection-Injury Type Fear of seeing
    blood, receiving a blood test or shot, watching
    TV shows that displaying medical procedures

Agoraphobia is a fear of being in situations
where escape might be difficult or that help
wouldn't be available if things go wrong. Many
people assume it is simply a fear of open spaces.
Someone with agoraphobia may be scared of
travelling on public transport. Social phobia
happens during social interactions, like talking
to strangers, speaking in public, dating, making
eye contact, entering rooms. When people feel so
self-conscious and anxious that it prevents them
from speaking up or socializing most of the time,
it is probably more than shyness. Specific
phobias are overwhelming and unreasonable fear of
objects or situations that pose little real
danger, but provoke anxiety and avoidance.
OCD Symptoms Example
  • Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an
    anxiety disorder characterized by uncontrollable,
    unwanted thoughts and ritualized, repetitive
    behaviors that you feel compelled to perform.
  • Compulsions are repetitive behaviors or mental
    acts that a person feels driven to perform in
    response to an obsession. The behaviors are aimed
    at preventing or reducing distress or a feared
  • Symptoms
  • Hoarding items
  • Repeating actions or phrases
  • Easily distressed by the things around them
  • Fear of losing control
  • Examples of compulsions
  • Cleaning to reduce the fear that germs
  • Repeating to dispel anxiety
  • Checking to reduce the fear of harming oneself or
  • Ordering and arranging to reduce discomfort

PTSD Symptoms Example
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a set of
    reactions that can occur after someone has been
    through a traumatic event. In other word, it is
    a disorder that develops in some people who have
    experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous
  • Examples
  • Effects of war
  • Childhood trauma
  • Unpredicted incidents
  • Unable to cope with loss
  • Effects of experiencing disasters
  • Symptoms
  • Re-living the traumatic event through
    distressing, unwanted memories
  • Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event,
    including activities, places, people that bring
    back memories of the trauma
  • Negative thoughts and feelings like fear, anger,
    guilt, or feeling
  • Feeling wound-up. This might mean having trouble
    sleeping or concentrating, feeling angry or

Personality Disorders
  • Schizophrenia Disorder

Abnormal Motor Behaviour Inappropriate or bizarre
posture, a complete lack of response, or useless
and excessive movement.
Negative Symptoms refer to the absence of normal
behaviors found in healthy individuals, such as
emotional expression, enthusiasm, interest of the
Speech disorder Effective communication can be
impaired, and answers to questions may be
partially or completely unrelated.
Aggression This happens due to delusions and
hallucinations which results that individual to
react aggressively towards others.
Hallucinations Seeing or hearing things that
don't exist.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Attachments and emotional bonds are weak, and
interpersonal relationships often revolve around
the manipulation, exploitation, and abuse of
Aggression toward people
Destructive behavior impulsive and reckless,
failing to consider or disregarding the
consequences of their actions
Rule breaking
Aggressive behavior Hostility, significant
irritability, agitation, aggression or violence
They may display arrogance, think lowly and
negatively of others
Borderline Personality Disorder
Viewing yourself negatively
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Spend much time daydreaming about achieving power
and success, or on their appearance.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle
the other person to make themselves appear
Have an exaggerated sense of self importance and
sense of self entitlement.
Believe they can only associate with equally
special people. Be envious of others and believe
others envy them.
Topic 6
  • Riddles Time - Guess Which Disorder

  • Second Scenario
  • Tim is constantly thinking highly of himself and
    he will try and force his views and opinions on
    others even though he knows he is wrong. He will
    also be highly defensive when he is confronted
    with a mistake and he will start to act
    aggressively towards others.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • First Scenario
  • My symptoms began in early adolescence, as I
    quickly became aware that I was not like my
    peers. Separation anxiety, fear of abandonment,
    self-harm and emotional instability prevented me
    from experiencing what should have been the
    typical life of a teenager. I spent my days in
    isolation, not understanding the overwhelming
    emotions that attacked me from every side, often
    crying myself to sleep wondering why the feelings
    just wouldn't go away, and why I couldn't put a
    name to them. Throughout my teens I failed to
    develop an identity, falling behind academically,
    socially and emotionally. It felt like I had got
    'stuck' at age 11 when the problems began and
    that my body and mind were developing but my
    sense of self and capacity to regulate emotion
    lagged way behind. It wasn't until I was finally
    diagnosed that I began to realise what all these
    symptoms mean, and I was finally able to start
    unpicking my past in order to understand my
  • Borderline Personality Disorder

  • Scenario 1
  • Amanda is angry when service in a restaurant is
    poor, but instead of complaining to the
    management, Amanda ruminates about how much to
    leave as a tip.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Scenario 2 Karen visited the supermarket without
wearing a facial mask. When confronted by
workers, she screamed and said that the workers
were harassing her and violating laws. She make
sure to scream and throw things before leaving
the store. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
  • Scenario 1
  • Mandy felt that she is constantly watched and
    despised by her co-workers in her workplace. She
    felt that others werent pleased with how the
    manager was nice to her on her first week of the
    job. Because of this, she fears that her
    co-workers could be plotting a scheme which could
    jeopardise her occupation due to the intense
    environment there and her constant perception on
    how she is heavily disliked there.
  • Schizophrenia Disorder
  • Scenario 2
  • Randy stated that he began hearing voices in his
    head during his school times. He was a victim of
    bullying and because of that unpleasant
    experience, he noticed that these voices
    directs him to harm others such as assaulting
    others out of the blue as self-defense although
    majority of them do not have any form of
    connection with him.
  • Schizophrenia Disorder

Scenario 2 Rayn does not have many friends, but
he has this one very best friend named Kate. One
day, Kate brought her 2 year old niece, Lily and
introduce her to Rayn. They hang out often and
people around seem to look at Rayn weirdly every
time he is with Kate and her niece. He knew Lily
for years, but at one point he realised Lily
doesnt age at all. She looked the same all those
years. Schizophrenia Disorder
  • Scenario 1
  • James always want to be the centre of the
    conversation.If he never get to be the centre,he
    will feel uncomfortable. His mood always swing
    and will always act aggressively during
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder

Scenario 1 When Lily was 2 year old, her mom
neglected her and her dad consumed drugs due to
schizophrenia and commit suicide. Lily was left
alone back then until someone placed her at a
foster home. After some times, she were adopted.
During her primary school, she was being sexually
abused by her friends brother. Lily then became
more aggressive, violent and rob the bank.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Scenario 2 Lylias family had always thought her
to be different. When she was young she often
distance herself from others. She often spend a
lot of time alone in her thoughts. Because of
this, as she grew up, she had no interest to
maintain a close relationship with others.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Your Depressed Moment. Give 2.
  • I felt depressed when it is a must for me to go
    to tuition for all subjects everyday after
    school, and even weekends and school holidays. I
    did not have the time to have a good rest,
    struggle to sleep well and revised what I had
    learned at school. Because of that, I didn't
    really have any hobbies, but just enjoyed my time
    very much during physical educations when I won
    a lot of trophies and medals during sport
    competitions art class and music class at school.
  • I felt depressed when I wasnt allow to use the
    computer and internet access to do my homework as
    expected. But then, the modern generation is
    making students to use computer to do the
    projects and searching for the information.
    Because of that, I started to get familiar with
    and develop the skills by using the computers at
    the library where students are free to access
    before I have my own laptop. And now, many people
    approach me to solve their technical issues.

With Medication and Psychotherapy
What else a Bipolar Disorder Patients can do for
him or herself to manage their life better?
(No Transcript)
  • Monitor and elevate your mood
  • Develop a schedule
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Limit stress
  • Take your time in making wise decisions
  • Build a good support network
  • Join a support group
  • Communicate openly
  • Exercise frequently
  • Find new hobbies
  • Take time to relax
  • Be more optimistic
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs
  • Take medications only as prescribed
  • Make a wellbeing plan
  • Make a suicide safety plan
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