Title: The Most Popular Tea Varieties Around the World
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2Each continent, country and region have their own
unique cultures and climates and these all play
a role in shaping the kinds of teas that are most
popular, but there are some common threads and
it is fair to say that some geographical areas
definitely have a preference for a particular
kind of tea.
3 Assam tea is one of the most popular teas in
India, and one of the most widely drunk across
the world over. Named after the region of its
production (the second largest area of tea
production after China), Assam tea is often
characterised by its strong colour and bright,
malty flavour, which serves as a wonderful base
upon which to develop a number of aromatic
blends, such as our purest Kakao Kreme or our
Amour Épicé, which uses premium leaves to
produce a refreshing drink. Masala chai, blended
with herbs, cinnamon and cloves is also quite
common in India. Many of these teas are taken
with milk or cream, giving them a greater
density and heavier texture, and are often
augmented with sugars and other sweeteners in a
way that would be unheard of in other cultures.
4Africa is home to a wide variety of teas and many
of them are incredibly popular the world over.
You might associate rooibos and honey bush teas
with South Africa and a wide range of white,
green and fermented teas are very popular across
the continent. Kenyan purple tea is increasingly
popular and was recently developed by the Kenyan
tea Research Foundation as a cultivar that can be
used for making green or black teas. Its purple
due to the high levels of anthocyanin, has a
higher level of free radicals than green tea and
can help guard against degenerative diseases, so
it is a potent and important new blend.
5In China, green tea is by far the oldest and most
popular type of tea, and not surprisingly so, as
it has been grown and enjoyed there for several
thousand years. Green tea can be traced back to
2737 B.C. and is commonly attributed to Chinese
Emperor Shennong who, it is said, drank some
water that had accidentally been boiled with a
leaf and taken on a delicious flavour. The health
properties of green tea have long been
established, but more than this, green tea forms
a core part of the culture and rituals of
Chinese society.
6Although for many years the popularity of fruit
and herbal teas have been growing across Europe,
the most popular type of tea across the continent
remains black tea. Blends such as English
Breakfast and Earl Grey, although less floral
than some of the teas favoured in Asia, are the
most popular, and offer the drinker a robust and
flavourful drink. This all goes to illustrate
that despite regional, cultural and historically
diverse tastes, the one constant that connects
tea drinkers around the world is a love of the
versatile tea leaf, whatever form it takes.
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