Title: Georgelisinjury (1)
1What are the various Benefits of Workers' Compens
ation In Lancaster
2Medical Treatment
Workers' Compensation provides medical treatment
to the workers and his/her family members. If
you have been injured on the job.
3Wage Replacement
A worker who is injured on the job may be
eligible for wage replacement benefits through
their employers workers' compensation
program. Workers' comp provides a weekly
paycheck to replace income lost during an
injury, but it can also provide other valuable
benefits like medical treatment and
rehabilitation services.
4Long-Term Losses
- Injured workers who are eligible for Workers'
Compensation benefits may also be entitled to
compensation for long-term losses that they have
experienced as a result of their injury. Losses
that might be considered include lost wages, the
value of household services and assistance,
vehicle modification costs, and medical bills.
5Have A Question? Give Us A Call!
PHONE (717) 394-3004
ADDRESS 2168 Embassy Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603
WEBSITE www.georgelislaw.com/
Get in touch with Georgelis Injury Law Firm
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