Title: Notebook Dividers - Clipmatic
1By Clipmatic
Notebook Divider
2About US
This is exactly what Clipmatic is, a brilliant
set of tools that turns your spiral notebook
into a portable workstation that is tailored
exactly to your needs, so you can capture your
creative lightning entirely, without letting it
get away from you. Never lose those important
notes at a vital time ever again.
3Clipmatic Dividers Separating Tabs (Assorted)
Frustrated with managing different projects and
tasks within a single notebook? Clipmatic has
come up with a cutting-edge design solution to
help the Multitasker in you.
4Also deal in
- Clipmatic Stickers Blue
- Clipmatic Notepad Grey Point Mesh
- Clipmatic Ruler Light Blue
5Contact us
www.clipmatic.co.uk www.facebook.com/
clipmatic.co.uk www.clipmatic.co.uk