Title: savingplaninsurance
1How To Buy The Right Health Insurance Plan In
2Whether you are a Singaporean citizen or an
expat, you need proper health insurance when
living in the Lion City. While Singapore has some
of the best hospitals in the world, the cost of
treatment can get quite expensive. Singaporean
citizens and PRs get coverage from MediShield
Life for their health care expenses. However,
MediShield Life is pegged at only class C/B2
wards in public hospitals. If you prefer other
types of hospitals or wards, this coverage may be
insufficient. Moreover, the annual claim limit of
MediShield Life is capped at S150,000 with
further limits placed on specific treatments such
as chemotherapy and kidney dialysis. If you
prefer a private hospital, your treatment charges
may go beyond these thresholds. In this case, you
may want to consider health insurance known as an
Integrated Shield Plan, that can help provide
more extensive coverage. If you are planning
to buy an Integrated Shield Plan for the first
time, you may need a bit of help. Read on to
discover a few tips that can guide you in getting
a suitable health insurance plan in Singapore.
3- Decide on the type of ward / hospital you prefer
to get treatment from - There are different types of Integrated Shield
Plans available in Singapore. The plan that you
pick will determine the type of hospital or ward
you will get coverage for. There are plans that
cover class B1, class A, and private hospitals.
The premiums will vary based on the plans that
you choose.
4- Review benefits of the plan
- Compare benefits of the various plans that cater
to your selected ward category. When looking at
benefits, compare features such as coverage for
pre- and post-hospitalisation coverage and sum
insured. Integrated Shield Plans can offer
pre-hospitalisation coverage for 180 days,
post-hospitalisation coverage for 365 days, and
sum insured up to SGD 1 million or more. - Furthermore, some insurers in Singapore also
cover you for planned and emergency medical
treatments abroad.
5- Look at the supplementary benefits offered
- Insurers also go a step beyond to offer enhanced
benefits to their customers. You add a rider so
that your health insurance covers up to 95 of
your hospitalisation expenses. Look for features
such as hassle-free appointment bookings,
cashless medical treatment, and concierge
services when choosing a health insurance plan.
These benefits can really go a long way in
helping you make the most out of your coverage.
6- Read customer reviews
- It helps to know what others have to say about
the insurer you are planning to get your coverage
from. See what other customers say about the
service offered by the insurance company. You
want to choose an insurer who is known for
excellent customer service. - You may consider taking help from a financial
consultant when choosing a health insurance plan
in Singapore. We hope this was an informative
read. Take care.
7Thank You