Title: Speed Up Magento 2 Store with System Optimization
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3Speed Up Magento 2 Store with System Optimization
- Since Magento 2 was released with a more
user-friendly interface, improved efficiency, and
more security, online store owners aim to migrate
their store basement system to Magento 2. - You can take full benefit of Magento 2 by
considering following Magento 2 System
Requirements in order to have the most effective
Magento system for your store. - If your Magento store is still not performing as
well as you planned, dont hesitate to reach us
at info_at_vihadigitalcommerce.com - Web services Requirements
- Magento 2 supports the reverse proxy servers
listed below ensure that the server you are
using meets this requirement or has been upgraded
to the most recent mainline version. - Apache 2.2 or 2.4
- Nginx 1.x
4- Database Engine Requirements
- MySQL is an open-source database for web
applications that are widely utilized by diverse
Magento Merchants. - Magento 2 database structure requires MySQL 5.6.
MariaDB and Percona are also compatible with
Magento 2 because they support MySQL 5.6 APIs. - MySQL 5.6, 5.7
- MariaDB 5.6, 5.7
- PHP Requirements
- The following is a list of PHP versions that are
supported by Magento 2. When it comes to PHP 7,
keep in mind that there is a known PHP 7.0.5
issue that impacts the Magento 2 code compiler. - As a result, if you wish to avoid the problem,
you should avoid utilizing PHP 7.0.5. You can
utilize the following PHP versions that are more
compatible with the Magento Platform - gt 7.1.3
- gt 7.2.0
5- PHP extensions requirements
- bcmath
- ctype
- curl
- dom
- gd
- hash
- iconv
- intl
- mbstring
- openssl
- pdo_mysql
- simplexml
- soap
- spl
- xsl
- zip
- PHP Unit Requirements
- During the development process, unit testing is
crucial for detecting bugs and detecting
regressions. - In Magento 2, you may utilize PHPUnit to find
thin and weak spots in your code and free up time
for issue tracking and testing. - In order to meet the PHP requirements of Magento
2, Magento Experts propose PHPUnit 5.5, which is
the most recent stable version series.
6- Cache system Requirements
- PHP OPcache
- PHP OPcache is a bytecode cache engine that saves
precompiled script bytecode in shared memory. As
a result, PHP does not need to load and process
scripts with each request. - Redis
- Redis serves as a cache and session backend for
the Magento system. Redis most powerful features
include Support for on-disk saving and
master/slave replication. - Vanish
- Vanish is the web application accelerator and is
also referred to as HTTP reverse proxy. It stores
files or fragments of files in memory that are
used to reduce the server response time and
network bandwidth consumption for a subsequent,
similar request. - Mem-cached
- Mem-cached is a distributed memory object caching
system that can be utilized as a fast backend
cache to significantly increase performance. It
is supported in the Magento platform
7- System dependencies
- Some of Magentos operations necessitate the use
of the following system tools - bash
- gzip
- lsof
- mysql
- mysqldump
- nice
- php
- sed
- tar
- Magento 2 Enterprise requirements
- Below are some necessities you need to integrate
and check for availability before adapting
Magento 2 Enterprise version - PHP extension bc-math
- Apache Solr 4.x
- RabbitMQ 3.5
8- Final words
- Migrating to the Magento 2 platform requires more
than what youre currently doing. - If the Magento platform is not optimized
efficiently, then it can result in lower
performance. - So it is essential to consider the minimum
requirements of the Magento 2 system. - It will enable you to select the most compatible
and effective software for your store and thereby
help you in the speed and performance
optimization of your Magento 2 store. - If you are not Tech-savvy and need help upgrading
your eCommerce store, then dont hesitate to
reach us at info_at_vihadigitalcommerce.com
9Read the complete story follow the link
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Optimization Read Blog https//www.vihadigital
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