Title: The Foundations of a Successful Hire
1The Foundations of a Successful Hire
2Hiring the right person for your company is a
complex process. However, there are a few basic
competencies or traits that never change. These
are the basics of a good Candidate Assessment
Strategy USA.
3Dependability - Dependability is the quality of
being trustworthy, steady and reliable. If your
manager can always count on you, that means you
are dependable. Dependable employees will do what
they said they will do and they do that
consistently. Here are a few examples of
Dependability in the Workplace
4- Punctuality
- Meets deadlines
- Takes initiative
- Follows company policies
- Accountable
- Follows up
- Performs consistency
5Integrity - Integrity is the practice of being
honest and showing a consistent and
uncompromising adherence to strong ethical
principles and values. Integrity means following
your ethical convictions and doing the right
thing in all circumstances, even when no one is
6- Honesty
- Respects others
- Generates trust
- Takes responsibility
- Keeps promises
7Work Ethic - Work ethic is the belief that hard
work is intrinsically virtuous and worthy of
reward. Work ethic is a set of principles that an
employee uses to perform their job well. Here are
a few examples of Work Ethic in the Workplace
8- Dedication
- High productivity
- Cooperation
- Focused on quality
- Shows discipline
9- Professionalism
- Determination
- Professional appearance
- Consistent attendance
- Can do attitude
10Organizational Citizenship - Organizational
citizenship behaviors are actions and behaviors
that are not required by workers. They are not
critical to the job but they do benefit the team.
They facilitate better organizational functioning
and efficiency.
11Organizational citizenship behaviors are
individual, discretionary actions that are
outside their formal job description. These
behaviors increase people's levels of work
meaningfulness. Research shows that
Organizational Citizenship positively predicts
performance. It also creates better social
interactions between employees. Employees who are
willing to go beyond formal job requirements will
help organizations manage change and
unpredictable circumstances. Here are a few
examples of organizational citizenship
12- cooperating with others
- volunteering for additional tasks
- orienting new employees
- offering to help others accomplish their work
- voluntarily doing more than the job requires
13- altruism
- courtesy
- sportsmanship
- conscientiousness
- Clarifying your Candidate Assessment Strategy USA
will help you gather the Information needed to
make smarter hiring decisions. Contact us for
assistance developing interview questions that
assess the foundations of a successful hire.
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