Title: How Does An Invisible Dog Fence Work (1)
1How Does An Invisible Dog Fence Work
2An invisible dog fence first saw the light of the
day in 1973 when Richard Peck, a traveling
salesman, decided to create a safety system to
prevent pets from leaving the safety of their
houses and wandering on the streets, only to get
lost or get hit by a vehicle. The Invisible Fence
Co. turned into the Invisible Fence Inc. in 1990
and, since then, has been creating advanced pet
safety and containment systems.
3Components of an Invisible Dog Fence and Working
An invisible dog fence has undergone several
modifications over the years, and these are some
of the basic components that are still used.
- Central Control Panel A Central Control Panel is
a device that operates the whole system. The
panel emits digital signals just like radio waves
through cables in wired systems. You should place
the control panel in a discreet location to avoid
interference or damage.
4- Insulated Cable An insulated cable connected
with the control panel is buried around the pet
owner's house. The cable carries the digital
signal from the panel and creates an invisible
fence of the signal field. - Electric dog collar An electric dog collar
contains a receiver that is powered by batteries.
The receiver detects the signal emitted by the
cables at all times and warns the pet when it
approaches the signal field. - Collar Batteries The collar batteries operate on
a nominal voltage of 3.2V DC and are replaceable.
Invisible fence replacement batteries are
available in the market and can be bought
whenever required.
5Contact us
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Ave Suite 300-316 Prior Lake, MN 55372 Phone
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