Title: 5 Best Practices For Test Data Management
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2The revolutionising digitisation and technical
transformation in the application development
world have made two factors mandatory. These two
factors are necessary to sustain, grow and
enhance your IT business in the competitive
world- fast releases and continuous change.
Therefore irrespective of the type of software
development you venture into, an efficient
release plan and environment management tool is
necessary. For maintaining quality CI/CD
pipelines and delivering value to users rapidly,
your DevOps and IT teams need to optimise change
and release management plan consistently to
enhance operational efficiency. Change
management denotes any updating or changing
process, not strictly limited to DevOps and IT.
However, its crucial that you determine and
understand organisational change management best
practices and implement them while working
towards a successful release management pipeline.
With greater flexibility and change
accommodation, you can address the production
bugs faster and smoothly push your release
through the application development lifecycle. In
this article, well explain the release and
change management process and also highlight how
these two factors function harmoniously to
benefit your DevOps and relevant IT teams
everywhere. Change And Release Management Plan
Explained Change Management In the DevOps and
application development realm, change management
signifies your teams capability to manage
configurations efficiently, execute automated
tests, alert on-call responders and mitigate
known and unknown risks across all applications
and operations.
3Release Management Release management plan
encompasses the technical part of the application
development process- drafting release planning,
code development, quality testing, preparation,
and deployment of new features and services to
production environments. Why Release and Change
Management Needs To Work Together? Software
engineers and IT operations collaborate and
equally contribute to the release management
process for delivering quick and quality
services/products to your clients. Change
management is primarily concerned with the people
side of change and how your people will function
with changing approaches and tools. While release
management includes specific technical
methodologies and processes for delivering
efficiently delivering product features to
production. Your release management plan
(involving creating new work processes and
implementing evolved technologies) might not be
successful and achieve its full potential unless
you bring your people along. Your organisational
financial success significantly depends on how
effectively your people have embraced the
change. Therefore, change management involves
implementing a structured approach and specific
tools to lead the people side of change and
achieve the desired outcome. With the correct
release and change management protocols and the
accurate IT environment management tool, you can
rapidly release and deploy your application
without compromising quality.
4- 5 Practical Ways To Efficient Change And Release
Management - Determine Why You Need The Change And How To Do
It - Implementing a change in your release management
plan without understanding the benefits can
create confusion. The functioning of your IT
operation teams is determined by two elements-
reliability and stability in the SDLC. - Therefore, for your people to readily embrace the
change, youll need to explain how the new
techniques function, how the implementation plan
is strategised and why its important for your
organisation. - Outline The Scope And Budget For The Plan
- Implementing any small or big changes in your
organisation requires a plan. You need to develop
a detailed layout that outlines who and how gets
affected by the change and the financial
expenditure associated with the change. - Perform a cost-benefit analysis to understand and
measure if the costs involved in the change are
worth the benefits youll get to enjoy. While
financial budgeting is necessary, you cannot
overlook the human cost. - Will your teams productivity get affected due to
the changes? - Will you enjoy better business outcomes based on
the changes? - How the new change can negatively or positively
affect your clients? - Weigh these factors while implementing change.
5Have Standard And Proactive Alert, Observation
And Response Plan A detailed monitoring system
and alert throughout your complete release
management process can help you define a
proactive incident management strategy. So, when
things go south or complexities arise in
production, both your DevOps and IT operations
teams understand the context and have the correct
tools to address the issues. Define A
Communication Plan With real-time collaboration
and greater visibility across the release
management workflows, eliminating bottlenecks,
fixing bugs, and delivering a high-quality
customer valve becomes fast and smooth.
Efficient Tracking Strategy Accurate
tracking, incident management event, and release
management metrics reporting can help you improve
how you implement change in the future. With
comprehensive reports and tracking details, you
can understand the effects of any previously
introduced change and start drawing a table of
what worked well and what didnt.