Title: Explore more about IKO Kiteboarder Levels
1Explore more about IKO Kiteboarder Levels
2IKO Kiteboarder Levels
- At Kite Club you receive only the very highest
level of Kiteboarding lessons. We use only
certified IKO Instructors to ensure you learn
everything you need to kitesurf with confidence
and security.
3Next you can see the IKO Kiteboarding Standards,
these are universally recognized levels and have
been created to give you all the skills necessary
to become an independent kiteboarder.
4IKO Kiteboarding Standards
IKO Discovery Kiteboarder
A SEA (Site, Environment, Activity) AssessmentHolding, carrying and securing a Kite on land Kite set up
B Safety Systems usePre-Flight Check
C Launching and Landing as an AssistantFirst piloting and explore the Wind Windows edge Let Go of the Bar Twist and Untwist the Lines
D Flying One-HandedTrim discovery Walking while flying the Kite Launching and Landing as a pilot Wind Window theory
E In flight Quick Release activationSelf-Landing Equipment packing
5IKO Intermediate Kiteboarder
F Enter and exit the water while controlling the KiteWater re-launch the Kite
G Side Body Drag with 2 handsBody Drag with Power Stroke on both sides
H Body Drag UpwindBody Drag with the Board Self-Rescue and Pack Down Discovery on land
I ROW Rules IntroductionSteady Pull Water-Start
6Level 3 IKO Independent Kiteboarder
J Controlled StopControl of Riding Speed by Edging
K Riding Upwind
L Sliding Transitions
M Toe-Side RidingToe-Side Turn
N Self-LaunchingSelf-Rescue and Pack Down in Deep Water
7Level 4 IKO Advanced Kiteboarder
1 Basic Jump
2 Jibe
3 Jump with Grab
4 Rider Recovery
5 Board Recovery
6 International Kiteboarding Signs and ROW
7 Equipment
8 Weather and Tides
9 Aerodynamics
8To Know more about IKO Kiteboarder Levels
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