Title: Careerzooom - Professional CV writing services in Dubai
- Best CV writing services in Dubai
917044275222 support_at_careerzooom.ae www.careerz
2The Most Competitive Job Market in the World
The Dubai job market is one of the most
competitive in the world, with one of the highest
ratios of employers to job seekers. With
expatriates coming to the UAE from all over the
world to work, the competition to face is
immense. Every job seeker wants to stand out from
the crowd by having a solid resume. There are
many professional CV writing services in this
field that can help you create a strong and
compelling CV and cover letter.
917044275222 support_at_careerzooom.ae www.careerzoo
3The Job of a CV Writer
Professional CV writers have extensive knowledge
about different industries and job functions.
They can help you identify your key achievements
and skills through an in-depth interview or
questionnaire. This can be done by Skype call or
email. A writer or consultant will work on your
CV till the end and will be able to answer all
your questions. The CV material is written from
scratch based on a detailed study of your
profile. Each client has a customized CV tailored
to their needs. No generic material is used when
writing a CV.
917044275222 support_at_careerzooom.ae www.careerzoo
4Get ATS Compatible CV
One of the major benefits of a professionally
written CV is that it is ATS compatible. ATS
stands for Applicant Tracking System which is
software used by all major companies. The main
objective of this software is to manage a high
volume of CVs received per job posting.
Employers do not have the time to physically go
through each and every CV. ATS filters out CVs
that do not match the established job criteria.
Therefore, including the right keywords is the
secret to writing an ATS-friendly resume and a
professional CV writer will work in that
917044275222 support_at_careerzooom.ae www.careerzoo
5Importance of a Cover Letter
Apart from CV, you can also opt for
a professionally written cover letter. It is
designed based on the requirements of the
employer. All the important areas of your
profile are included in the cover letter to give
the employer a quick overview of your experience,
skills, and achievements. Similar to the CV
writing process, the first draft will be provided
in 5-6 days with the option of a 24-hour
917044275222 support_at_careerzooom.ae www.careerzoo
6Careerzooom CV Writing Service
You will receive the first draft of your CV in 5
to 6 days with the option of multiple revisions
until you are satisfied with the final product.
If you are in a hurry, you can request
expedited delivery in which case the first draft
will be made available within 24 hours. You are
also given free revisions for a period of up to 6
months after the final delivery of all services.
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8Thank You
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