Title: avenuesclinic2021 (1)
1How to Seek Permanent Solution from FUE Hair
Hair loss removes your hair from the scalp and
makes it entirely bald. Fortunately, hairs on
the back and both sides are baldness-resistant
and these hairs are transplanted into the bald
area due to their stable genetic nature. This
permanent treatment of hair loss is called hair
transplant in Ahmedabad. In this treatment,
healthy and baldness-resistant hairs are removed
with any of the two main techniques called
follicular unit transplant and follicular unit
extraction. Follicular unit transplant is a
traditional technique that is done by removing a
strip of skin from the donor area. On the other
hand, the FUE technique is performed by removing
hair follicles directly from the back and
sides. How is FUE beneficial for hair loss
patients? In FUT, hairs are harvested from a
strip of skin that is removed from the donor
site. It may cause a linear scar in the donor
area. The surgeon uses a tiny tool to remove the
hair randomly from the donor region when he
treats the patients with the FUE technique.
These wounds are extremely small and hardly
visible with naked eyes.
2So, FUE is suitable for you if you are looking
for a short haircut after the surgery. As
another benefit, FUE is done without stitches and
sutures. Furthermore, the recovery time of FUE
is faster than the FUT technique. How to get
proper results after an FUE hair transplant? If
you want optimum results after the best Best Hair
Transplant in Ahmedabad, you have to consider
the following factors before and after the
surgery Skills of your surgeon Before you
choose your surgeon, you have to make sure that
he is properly qualified with an MBBS degree
with a specialized degree in hair transplant.
Moreover, it is better if you choose only an
experienced surgeon who is familiar with all the
aspects of hair loss and hair transplant
surgery. Results will be favorable for good
candidates Hair transplant is a permanent
treatment for male pattern baldness. Thus, you
will have good results if you are a patient of
male pattern baldness. Moreover, the good quality
of donors hair is also important for proper
results. Moreover, you have to be a healthy
person and it is better if you do not drink or
smoke. If you do, you need to leave these habits
before and after the surgery for the predefined
number of days. Tell to your surgeon if you are
taking any medications like blood thinners since
these medications will affect the healing
time. Proper aftercare Results are going to be
positive if you spend your time in the recovery
period according to the guidelines of your
surgeon. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and
sway away from hair products. Moreover, avoid
sunshine and heavy activities to keep the healing
process undisturbed. Stop drinking and smoking
and do not touch your scalp unwontedly. Keep your
head elevated while you sleep for a couple of
days to minimize the chances of swelling. If you
want more information about some issues like H
air Transplant Cost in Ahmedabad, the expert of
the Avenues clinic will guide you well. Just
visit the see the superior level of services.