Title: How To Make A Chain Link Fence Look Fantastic
1Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
How To Make A Chain Link Fence Look Fantastic
2Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
1) Prepare for detail
To give your fence a professional finish, you
need to figure out exactly what kind of project
you're working on beforehand. Part of the
planning process includes determining the size of
your fence, which will ultimately determine how
much fencing you will need.
3Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
2) Measure
Once you know what kind of project you're going
to undertake, it's time to figure out exactly how
much fencing material you'll need. Chain link
fencing panels usually come in five-foot
4Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
3) Cut the posts
The posts are the most important part of a fence,
and they typically make or break its overall
appearance. If you want a professional look and
feel, make sure to cut your posts straight
5Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
4) Create the holes
After cutting your material, dig holes four to
eight inches deep depending on soil type and
weather conditions. Once those holes are dug,
insert your fence's metal posts for support
6Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company
5) Install the fencing
Once you have your fencing material in position,
install the continuous thread staples a quarter a
foot off of a post's surface with a staple gun.
This will prevent the fence from sliding around
as you put it up.
7Chain Link Fences
Bellevue Fence Company