Title: Peregrine Metal Finishing is a Leading Metal Finishing Company
1metal finishing company
Make Your Metal Surface Smooth and Rust-Free
2How does Shot Peening Process Work? Shot peening
is similar to shot blasting but instead of an
abrasive process shot peening uses particles
that act like a ball-peen hammer. Peregrine uses
carbon steel shot for carbon steel parts and
stainless steel shot for stainless steel parts.
Two separate machines are utilized and dedicated
to each type of metal parts. One of the goals of
shot peening is to replace tensile stress with
compressive stress thereby strengthening the
part. It is the multiple indentations generated
by the process which results in a compressive
stressed layer on the surface of the metal.
3Shot Peening Effective Solution for Carbon and
Stainless Steel Components
Shot peening is a cold work process used to
develop a compressive residual stress layer to
alter the mechanical properties of metal parts
and components. It is typically used to boost
and relieve surface stress, extend the life of a
product, and replace the material with
beneficial compressive stresses. At Peregrine
Metal Finishing, we provide reliable shot
peening services for carbon and stainless steel
parts thatremove rust particles from the surface
of the parts. We follow shot peening practices
to support a variety of industries such as
automotive, steel, oil and gas and many more.
4Contact Us
We look forward to hearing from you
ADDRESS sales_at_pregrinementalfinishi
ng.com WEBSITE www.peregrinemetalfinishing.com