devuni - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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all about Ansible – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:3
Updated: 18 June 2022
Slides: 22
Provided by: devuni
Tags: selenium


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: devuni

  • Table of Contents
  • Configuration Management
  • Push versus Pull based CM
  • Configuration Tools
  • Ansible
  • What all Ansible can do?
  • Features of Ansible
  • Ansible Architecture
  • How Ansible works?
  • All about Playbooks
  • Playbook Structure
  • YAML
  • Roles
  • Ansible ad-hoc commands
  • Ansible Installation
  • Ansible Tower
  • Configuration Management
  • The process of standardizing and administering
    resource configurations and entire IT
    infrastructure in an automated way is
    Configuration Management. It is the concept where
    you put your server infrastructure as code.
  • It helps to systematically manage, organize, and
    control the changes in the documents, codes and
    other entities during the SDLC.
  • It aims to control costs and work effort involved
    in making changes to the software system.
  • Primary goal increase productivity with minimal
  • Benefits
  • Consistency of systems and software.
  • CM improves efficiency as manual processes are
    replaced with automated ones.
  • Push versus Pull based CM
  • Configuration Management tools implement one (or
    both) of these models of management. Push-based
    CM and Pull-based CM are the ways in which a CM
    tool performs actions, like installing packages
    or writing files.
  • Some CM tools which use a pull model, have an
    agent installed on the servers which runs
    periodically to pull the latest definitions from
    a central repository and apply them to the

  • server. Other tools which use a push model, have
    the central server trigger updates to manage the
    code on the servers.
  • Pull Model
  • Good scalability but difficult management.
  • The server nodes run an agent daemon that
    periodically checks from the master node if/when
    there are any updates to be pulled and applied.
  • A daemon needs to be installed on all machines
    and a setup of the central authority is required.
  • Push Model
  • Simple management and easy setup but poor
  • Here, it is the central server or the master node
    which takes the responsibility to contact the
    server nodes to send updates as and when they
  • Whenever a change is made to the infrastructure
    (code), each node is informed of
  • the update, and they run the changes.

Configuration Management Tools Configuration
management tools facilitate faster, repeatable,
scalable and predictable deployments and help in
maintaining the desired state.
  • Some advantages of using configuration management
    tools are
  • Code navigation is easier due to compliance with
    coding conventions
  • Idempotency is ensured, which implies that the
    end state remains unaltered, regardless of the
    number of times the code is executed
  • Distributed design improvises management of large
    numbers of remote servers
  • There are various types of configuration
    management tools available, each having specific
    features that make them apt for certain scenarios
    more than the other.

  • Ansible Ansible is a very simple IT automation
    platform that eases out the deployment of your
    applications and systems using SSH, with no
    agents to install on remote systems. We will
    cover Ansible in detail in further sections.
  • Chef Chef uses a series of resources written in
    Ruby called recipes, to keep the infrastructure
    running up-to-date and compliant. Chef can run
    either in client/server mode or in a standalone
    configuration. It integrates well with the major
    cloud providers for automatic provisioning and
    configuration of new machines.
  • Puppet Puppet is an automated administrative
    engine which performs
  • administrative tasks based on a particular
    specification. It usually works in a client -
    server architecture where an agent communicates
    with the server to get configuration
    instructions. Puppet uses a declarative language
    or Ruby for the system configuration. Puppet uses
    the push model by default, but the pull model can
    also be configured.
  • Salt Salt is an awesome CM tool for high-speed
    data collection. It scales beyond
  • tens of thousands of servers. Python modules are
    used to handle configuration details which manage
    all of Salts remote execution and state

behavior. Configurations are maintained in Salt
state files, which have entire details required
to keep a system in the desired state. Below is a
comparison among the most popular ones available
in the market
Ansible Ansible is a powerful tool by RedHat
which can be setup very easily. It is used for IT
Configuration Management, Deployment
Orchestration. It is an extremely simple IT
automation engine used to automate many IT
processes like cloud provisioning, configuration
management, application deployment and
intra-service orchestration. It helps improve the
scalability, consistency and reliability of your
IT environment. Even if you dont know the
commands to accomplish a particular task, you can
still work on Ansible by just specifying what
state you want the system to be in and Ansible
will take care of the rest.
  • What all Ansible can do?
  • 1. Provisioning Ansible is used to provision
    the basic infrastructure, install services etc.
    After the underlying environment is provisioned,
    Ansible can also be used to provision resources,
    services, and cloud applications.
  • Configuration Management It establishes and
    maintains consistency of the product performance
    by recording and updating detailed information
    which describes an enterprises hardware and
  • Application Deployment You can make DevOps
    easier by automating the deployment of internally
    developed applications to your production
    systems. There are several steps that needs to be
    performed to deploy the engine, which Ansible
    does for you
  • Move a .war application from drop-ins directory
    to apps directory
  • Add server.xml file
  • Navigate to the webpage to see your application
  • Security and Compliance When you define your
    security policy in Ansible, site- wide security
    policies can be integrated into other automated
    processes. It means that, you need to configure
    your security details once in your control
    machine and it will be embedded in all other
    nodes automatically. Moreover, all the
    credentials (admin users ids passwords) that
    are stored within Ansible are not retrievable in
    plain text by any user.
  • Orchestration Ansible provides Orchestration and
    aligns the business requests with the
    applications, data and infrastructure. It
    provides definition of the policies and service
    levels through automated workflows, provisioning,
    and change management. This creates a scalable
    infrastructure that is in alignment with the
    application needs.

Features of Ansible So why would you choose
Ansible over the other IT automation tools
available in market like Puppet and Chef? Well,
the features below might help you reach an
answer. Simple A very simple syntax written in
YAML called playbooks is used by Ansible. YAML is
a legible data serialization language. No special
coding skills are required and even people who do
not know what Ansible is can likely read a
playbook and understand what is happening.
Installation is simple too. Simplicity ensures a
quick start. Agentless Ansible is completely
agentless. There are no agents/software or
additional firewall ports that you need to
install on the client systems or hosts which you
want to automate. You dont have to set up a
management infrastructure separately like
managing your entire systems, network and
storage. Powerful Flexible Ansible provides
you with hundreds of modules to manage the
infrastructure, networks, operating systems and
services. Ansibles capabilities all put
together, allow you to organize and coordinate
the entire application environment regardless of
the deployment location. Efficient No extra
software on your servers means more resources
available for your applications. Ansible
introduces modules which act as basic building
blocks for your software. So, you can even
customize as per your needs.
Ansible architecture The Ansible automation
engine has a direct connection with those who
create playbooks for execution of the Ansible
Automation engine. It also interacts with the
cloud services and Configuration Management
Database (CMDB).
  • The Ansible Automation engine consists of
  • Inventories An initialization file that contains
    information about the servers you are managing.
    They are lists of hosts (nodes) along with their
    IP addresses, servers, databases, etc.
  • APIs APIs are used to transport content for
    Cloud services, public or private.
  • Modules A module is an abstraction of a system
    task, like handling packages or
  • updating files. Ansible has a vast collection of
    built-in modules, but you can also create
    customized ones.
  • Tasks A block that defines a single action to be
    executed, e.g. Install a package.
  • Plugins Plugins are bits of code that add to
    Ansibles core functionality. Ansible ships with
    several useful plugins, and you can write your
    own too, very easily.
  • Some more important pieces in Ansible
    Architecture are explained below

Networking Ansible can also automate networks.
Ansible uses the same simple and robust agentless
automation framework IT operations and
development are using. Hosts The hosts are just
node systems which automates Ansible. It can be a
Windows, Linux or a RedHat machine. Playbooks
All the automation is defined here, through tasks
using YAML format. Playbooks will be discussed in
detail in the upcoming sections. CMDB It holds
data related to configuration items, as well as
to describe relationships between such IT
assets. Cloud It is a network of remote servers
hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and
process data, rather than a local server. You can
launch your resources and instances on cloud and
connect to your servers.
  • How Ansible Works?
  • The way Ansible works is it connects to the nodes
    and pushes out small programs, called Ansible
    modules on them.
  • Then, Ansible executes these modules and removes
    them when its done. The collection of modules can
    be present on any machine, and there are no
    servers, daemons, or databases required.
  • The management node controls the entire execution
    of the playbook and it is the node from where you
    run the installation.
  • The inventory file has a list of hosts where the
    Ansible modules need to be run. The
  • management node connects to these hosts through
    SSH and executes the small modules and installs
    the product/software, on each one of them.
  • The best part about Ansible is that it removes
    the modules once they are installed.

  • All about Playbooks
  • Playbooks are the files where Ansible code is
  • Playbooks are written in YAML format. YAML stands
    for Yet Another Markup Language.
  • Playbooks are one of the core features of Ansible
    and tell Ansible what to execute.
  • They are similar to a to-do list for Ansible
    containing a list of tasks.
  • Playbooks contain the steps which the user wants
    to execute on a particular machine. Playbooks are
    run sequentially.
  • Playbooks are the building blocks for all the use
    cases of Ansible.
  • Playbook Structure
  • Playbooks are structured using Plays. Each
    playbook is a collection of plays.
  • Execution of a playbook from start to finish is
    called a play.
  • A play maps a set of instructions defined against
    a particular host.
  • Playbooks contain Plays Plays contain Tasks
  • Tasks call Modules and may trigger handlers
  • YAML
  • It is a strict typed language so, extra care
    needs to be taken while writing the YAML files.
    Ansible uses YAML because it is very easy to
    understand, read and write when compared to other
    data formats like XML and JSON.
  • A YAML file starts with (3 hyphens)

  • be run. This tag is mandatory. It instructs
    Ansible to run the listed tasks on the specified
    host machines, which can be the same one or a
    remotely located machine. The hosts tag can have
    a group of hosts entries as well, so that the
    tasks can be run on multiple machines in
  • tasks
  • All playbooks should contain a list of tasks to
    be executed. Tasks are a list of actions to be
    performed. The tasks field contains the tasks
    name. This is not mandatory but is useful in
    debugging the playbook. Each task is internally
    linked to a piece of code called a module. A
    module that needs to be executed as a part of the
    task, and arguments the module required for
  • Example A student record
  • Optional YAML start syntax
  • Jake
  • name Jake Blake rollNo 12
  • div B
  • sex male
  • Optional YAML end syntaxlt/spangt
  • --- Optional YAML start syntax Jake
  • name Jake Blake rollNo 12
  • div B sex male
  • Optional YAML end syntaxlt/spangt
  • You can also use abbreviation to represent
    dictionaries. Example
  • James name jonty rhodes, rollNo 38, div A,
    sex male

  • Representing List
  • To represent a list in YAML, every element
    (member) of the list should be written in a new
    line with same indentation starting with - (-
    and space).
  • Example
  • ---
  • countries
  • America
  • China
  • Canada
  • Iceland
  • lt/spangt
  • You can also use abbreviations to represent
    lists. Example
  • Countries America, China, Canada,
    Iceland lt/spangt
  • We can also use list inside dictionaries, i.e.,
    value of a key is a list.
  • Example james
  • name james john rollNo 34
  • div B
  • sex male likes
  • maths
  • physics

gt to suppress newlines while showing
multiple lines. These help in reading and editing
large lines. In both the cases, indentation is
ignored. Boolean (True/false) values can also be
represented in YAML where boolean values are case
insensitive. Example --- - james result maths
87 chemistry 45 biology 56 physics 70 english
80 passed TRUE messageExcludeNewLines gt
Congratulations!! You passed with 79 Roles In
Ansible, the role is the primary technique to
split a playbook into multiple files. Writing and
reusing complex playbooks is simplified using
roles. Breaking a complex playbook into logical
smaller chunks promotes reusability across these
components. Each role is related to a particular
functionality and includes all the necessary
steps to provide the desired result either within
that role itself or in other listed dependent
roles. Roles and playbooks are not the same.
Roles are small functionalities which can be
independently used but have to be executed
through playbooks. You can never execute a role
directly. Top-level playbooks are the connections
between the lists of hosts from your inventory
file to the roles that need to be applied to
those hosts. Creating a New Role The directory
structure for roles is important in creating a
new role.
  • Roles have a structured layout.
  • Each role is a directory tree in itself.
  • The name of the role is the same as the directory
    name within the /roles directory.
  • Role
  • ansible-galaxy -h
  • Usage
  • ansible-galaxy deleteimportinfoinitinstallli
    stloginremovesearchsetup help
  • options
  • Options
  • -h, help - Displays this help message and exit.
  • -v, verbose - Verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv
    enables connection debugging)
  • version - Show programs version number and
  • Variables
  • Variable in playbooks are very similar to the way
    we use variables in any programming language.You
    can assign a value to a variable and use it
    anywhere in the playbook. One can also put
    conditions on the value of a variable and use it
    accordingly in the playbook. Example
  • - hosts ltyour hosts""gt
  • vars
  • tomcat_port 8080 lt/yourgtlt/spangt
  • In the above example, a variable named
    tomcat_port is defined and assigned the value
  • Playbook targeting a single host

Ansible Ad-hoc commands Ad hoc commands are
commands which can be run independently, to
perform immediate functions. These commands are
of one-time usage. Syntax of a typical ad hoc
Ansible -m module_name -a args options
Some of the ad hoc commands and their usage is
listed below
Commands Usage
Ansible def -a /sbin/reboot -f 10 Run reboot for all your company servers in a
group, def, in 10 parallel forks
Ansible abc -a /sbin/reboot -f 12 -u To change from the default current user
username account, you will have to pass the username in
Ad-hoc commands
Ansible def -m copy -a src /etc/yum.conf Transferring a file to many servers/machines
dest /tmp/yum.conf using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)
Ansible def -m file -a dest
/path/user1/new mode 777 owner user1 Creating new directory
group user1 state directory
Ansible def -m file -a dest
/path/user1/new state absent Deleting whole directory and files
Ansible def -m yum -a name demo- Checks if yum package is installed, but does
tomcat-1 state present not update it
Ansible def -m yum -a name demo-
tomcat-1 state absent Check the package is not installed
Ansible def -m yum -a name demo- Checks the latest version of package is
tomcat-1 state latest installed
Ansible all -m setup Finds information of all your facts
  • Ansible Installation
  • There are two types of machines for deployment -
  • Control machine - Machine that manages other
  • Remote machine - Machines that are
    handled/controlled by the control machine. One
    control machine can handle multiple remote
    machines. So, to manage remote machines, Ansible
    is installed on the control machine.
  • Control Machine Requirements
  • Ansible can be run from any machine which has
    Python 2 (versions 2.6 or 2.7) or Python 3
    (versions 3.5 and higher) installed.
  • Note - Windows does not offer any support for
    control machine. Ansible uses ssh to manage
    remote machine, by default.
  • Ansible does not add any database, nor does it
    require any daemons to start or keep it in
    running state. Ansible does not leave any
    software installed or running on the remote
    machines so there is no need to upgrade it when
    you want to move to a new version.
  • You can install the latest release of Ansible
    through Apt, yum, pkg, pip etc. Let us now see
    how to install Ansible on Ubuntu.
  • Ansible Installation on Ubuntu Machine
  • Now, let us install Ansible on Ubuntu VM created
    on GCP. Once the VM is up and the connection is
  • Step 1 Run sudo apt-get update command

Step 2 Now, run the command sudo
apt-add-repository ppaansible/ansible to add the
repository. Then, press Enter.
Step 3 Run the command sudo apt-get install
ansible. Then, press Y
Step 4 You will see the below screen once you
press Y
Step 5 To check whether Ansible is installed or
not, run the command ansible version
Ansible Tower Ansible Tower (formerly AWX) is
a web-based solution that makes Ansible very easy
to use by IT professionals. It acts as a hub for
all your automation tasks. Tower grants access
control over resources and sharing of SSH
credentials without transferring those
credentials. Command line tools integrates well
with Jenkins. Tower can be installed using
Ansible playbooks. So, Ansible Tower is an
exceptionally useful supplement to Ansible,
capable of doing all what a CLI does. It
complements the main application by automating
and displaying the major tasks graphically like
dashboard-monitoring, for example. It is of great
help to those who are new to Ansible as it acts
as an easy-to understand visual tool. Though for
playbook creation, Ansibles CLI is still the
best option available. Summary If youre keen to
become a DevOps professional and simplify your
life by automating all your administration tasks,
Ansible is a good choice to start with. With the
learnings from this document on Ansible and
configuration management, you get a good
foundation to further build up on your knowledge
and do more hands-on.
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