Title: Tim Parmeter - An Accomplished Businessman
1Tim Parmeter
An Accomplished Businessman
2CEO and Founder of FranCoach
Tim Parmeter excels in his role of CEO and
founder of FranCoach. From program management and
marketing to retention strategies and budgetary
oversight, Tim Parmeter takes his passion and
skills to help others reach their business
ownership dreams. He earned his MS from Walden
University in Leadership Development.
3 A Business Consultant
Tim Parmeter poured his time and energy into
earning his MS from Walden University in
Leadership Development. From there, he has seven
years in the franchise industry as a business
consultant. Tim Parmeter is the CEO and founder
of FranCoach, the host of the Franchising 101
4Franchising Experts
Tim Parmeter uses his MS in leadership from
Walden University along with his passion for
educating, leading, and coaching to give
professionals a leg up in the franchise industry.
As CEO and founder of FranCoach, Tim Parmeter
spends most of his time leading a team of
franchising experts to connect individuals with
business ownership opportunities.
5Business Guru and Family Man
Tim Parmeter is a business guru and family man.
After earning his MS from Walden University, he
founded FranCoach to help others reach their
goals of franchise ownership and learn the skills
they need to be quality leaders.
6For More Information Visit At
7Tim Parmeter