Title: Alaina Marie Young - A Remarkable and Dedicated Lady
1Alaina Marie Young
Real Estate Attorney
Attorney, Commercial Real Estate at Campbell
Brannon, LLC
2(No Transcript)
Alaina M. Young received her law degree from the
esteemed Duquesne University School of Law in
June 2009 and her Bachelor of Arts in English
from Dickinson College in May 2006.
4After getting her education, Alaina Marie Young
completed her Washington Center Internship
Program at the United States Attorneys Office
and Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas.
5After completing Alaina M. Youngs internships,
she gained more valuable experience by working at
some of the best companies in her field.
6This all combines and adds up to more than 11
years of experience in commercial and residential
real estate and finance, making her one of the
most esteemed attorneys in the field of real
estate and finance.
7In this wide experience, Alaina Young has been
able to handle the representation of owners,
investors, and lenders while handling the real
estate transactions, including disposition,
acquisition, and even contractual drafting and
8Even in Alaina Marie Youngs current job, she
handles various responsibilities that include
tasks in commercial and residential real estate
and finance consisting of multiple
responsibilities and projects.
9Thank You
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To know more about her visit her official site