Title: Identifying and defining your grant funding needs
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2 While it is sometimes tempting for a NFP
organisation to randomly apply for any and all
grant funding simply because they have become
aware of it and lets face it they can all use a
funding injection it is important to actually
have completed significant groundwork first and
to be clear in what they want to fund if they
intend to actually be successful in their
3- Grant writers can attest that grant funding is
highly sought after and extremely competitive so
to increase your chance of success there are some
important things to consider.
4- It is not advisable to find funding then try and
design a project to suit the funding. This will
be apparent to the funding body and will not come
across in your favour. - Grant writing applicants should work with their
Grant writer to clearly identify the organisation
funding needs prior to looking for suitable
5- The Grant writer Sydney is usually very familiar
with all the forms of grant funding that is
available to the NFP sector and matching the
organisation with a suitable grant is imperative
as all grants have basic parameters stating who
is eligible for their funding.
6- The NFP organisation should in partnership with
their Grant writer Melbourne develop a funding
needs document that clearly answers the questions
that funding bodies are looking for in grant
proposals. - First define or describe what the funding need is
and what is required to fulfil the need. Your
Grant writer will use this information within the
grant application to inform the funding body what
your goal or objective is.
7- Secondly, the Grant writer need to clearly
communicate what the problem or issue is that
your program is designed to address and how it
will solve the perceived problem. - Who are the stakeholders your project or program
will cater to and why is your program or project
important. - These are all important questions required as
part of the selection process and you need to
clarify them with the Grant writer, so they write
a compelling application.
8- The grant funding body wants to see results for
their funding, so the Grant writer also needs to
identify how you intend to measure your success
and what is the timeline? - When do you expect to implement the program if
you are successful in receiving the funding? This
needs to be clearly addressed in your application
by the Grant writer.
9- Thirdly the Grant writer will describe how
implementing your program will solve the problem
or issue you have identified and who exactly will
benefit. - What are the ongoing benefits to the community
and how will you continue to fund the program
after the grant funding expires.
10- Lastly your budget needs to be clear and
understandable. How much will your program cost
exactly? - Are there any other forms of funding available to
supplement the grant funding such as donations,
in kind volunteer hour contributions, membership
fees etcetera? - Therefore, if it is clear that the program or
project will need ongoing funding to continue
clearly describe where these funds will come from.
11 Your Grant writer can assist the NFP
organisation with their grant application but
clearly there is groundwork that needs to be laid
by the organisation first.
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