Title: Test Automation vs Manual Testing
1Test Automation vs Manual Testing
- In the software testing arena a perennial debate
has raged between proponents of Test Automation
vs Manual Testing. In our experience, the two are
complementary used together they form a more
effective test strategy. - e
2Automation testing
- Since the 1990s automation testing has risen as
strong alternative. In automation testing a
software tool is programmed ( In Java for
example) to carry out human actions that testers
would do in check based testing. The process is
typically to first create the test cases like in
Manual check based testing and then to program
the test cases.
3Why Choose Manual or Automation?
- Clearly manual and automation testing are great
complements to each other and as a combination
can create a fast, less brittle solution that has
exploratory testing in addition. - WebomateS offers a regression testing service
that uses manual testing, automation and
crowdsourcing together to guarantee all test
cases(even modified ones) are executed in ONE day
with exploratory testing! In fact the output is a
list of prioritized defects for software teams to
review and fix. - With Webomates CQ we have developed a service
that incorporates the benefits of AI into a TAAS
( Testing As a Service). To hear more about
WebomatesCQ schedule a demo here.
4With Webomates CQ we have developed a service
that incorporates the benefits of AI into a TAAS
( Testing As a Service). To hear more about
WebomatesCQ schedule a demo here. SeleniumTesti
ngAutomation TestingAutomation Apitesting
USA AutomationTesting RegressionTesting
Softwaretesting Explore more at
https//www.webomates.com/For More
Information https//www.webomates.com/blog/autom