Title: Yet Another Missed Deadline for Sodala Elevated Road
1Yet Another Deadline For Sodhala Elivated Road
Jaipur News
By Bhagwati Buildcon Pvt. Ltd
2- The construction of the elevated road in Sodala
Jaipur has been going on for about five years now
and has till now missed many deadlines.The
launching for the segments over the railway line
was supposed to be completed by this month but
yet another deadline has been missed for the
project. -
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- According to the various sources the delay is due
to financial difficulties of the company who is
in charge of the project. The work seems to have
started again after the involvement of JDA. A
Senior Engineer on the project has stated that
out of 113, 101 segments have been launched by
3One of the daily commuters, Rama Jain, mentioned
that there are three bottlenecks between Ambedkar
Circle and Sodala which causes traffic jams in
the area. The construction is the cause of these
bottlenecks and since it has been going on for 5
years now people have gotten used to it. The
officials have stated that taking strict actions
against the company in charge is not the solution
and will only result in increased construction
time. Strict actions may result in the contract
being terminated hence resulting in lots of legal
entanglement. They have also said that they are
taking the middle ground since 95 of the work is
almost complete. Customized PEB system to meet
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The authorities have given surety to the vendors
of the company regarding the payment. The
residents of the area have expressed their
dissatisfaction regarding the slow progress and
complained about the problem faced during the
4According to the survey of 2011, about 7,135
Passenger Car Units passes on the Bhawani Singh
Road per hour which is around 1,992 more from its
original capacity of 5,143. The situation is
almost same for Hawa Sadak too with 10,335 PCUs
instead of 6,361 Original Capacity. The maximum
speed of traffic for this stretch is 17KmPH which
is expected to reach 60 KmPH after the completion
of the elevated road. Four ramps are expected to
be constructed for ascending and descending the
elevated road and after completion the commute
time to Ajmer Road via Hawa Sadak will be only 10
5Bhagwati Buildcon Pvt.Ltd
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