Title: Thane Stenner - Senior Investment Advisor
1Thane Stenner
Senior Investment Advisor
2Institutional Consultants in North America
Thane Stenner is known as a shrewd investor and
advisor for high-net-worth wealth portfolios. He
is currently the Senior Portfolio Manager and
Senior Investment Advisor of Stenner Wealth
Partners at Canaccord Wealth Management. He has
been acknowledged in Barrons list of Top 50
Institutional Consultants in North America.
3Senior Portfolio Manager
Thane Stenner, Senior Portfolio Manager and
Senior Investment Advisor of Stenner Wealth
Partners at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
where he oversees high-net-worth portfolios for a
select clientele in Canada and the United States.
Mr. Stenner is based in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada and is the Senior Portfolio
Manager and Senior Investment Advisor of his firm.
4International Leader in Investment Advisory
Thane Stenner is Senior Portfolio Manager and
Senior Investment Advisor of Stenner Wealth
Partners at Canaccord Genuity Wealth Management
and known as an international leader in
investment advisory. He has managed teams
advising on nearly 20 Billion in client assets,
making his team a top performer across the Morgan
Stanley / Graystone network.
5Experience as a High-Net-Worth Portfolio Manager
Thane Stenner has over thirty years of experience
as a high-net-worth portfolio manager. He is
Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment
Advisor for Stenner Wealth Partners. A cum laude
graduate from Arizona State University, Mr.
Stenner is a global leader in wealth management
and financial investment.
6Career in Financial Portfolio Management
Thane Stenner has sat on more than fifteen
advisory boardsboth for-profit and non-profit.
He has a rich career in financial portfolio
management and is a former member of the Morgan
Stanley / Graystone Consulting Advisory Board. He
was also integral in founding the TIGER 21 Canada
network of high-net-wroth investors in North
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