Title: Eye Doctor Brooklyn
1Eye Doctor Brooklyn Contact Address Brooklyn, NY
11212 Phone 347-471-2293 Website
URL https//www.ophthalmologybrooklyn.com/ About
US An ophthalmologist Eye M.D. is a medical
or osteopathic doctor who specializes in eye and
vision care. Ophthalmologists differ from
optometrists and opticians in their levels of
training and in what they can diagnose and treat.
Optometrists are eye care professionals who
provide primary vision care ranging from sight
testing and correction to the diagnosis,
treatment and management of vision changes. An
optometrist is not a medical doctor. An
ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who
specializes in eye and vision care. Contact Eye
Doctor Brooklyn to get the most professional
service in Brooklyn. Call us (347)
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Details Hours Monday to Friday 8am8pm,
Saturday, 9am5pm, Sunday Closed GMB
Listing https//goo.gl/maps/avJ14YfA7XGa1dXz7