Title: IMAGEPath-OptraSCAN
1Improving Pa?ent Outcomes With A?ordable and
Easy To Implement Digital Pathology Solu?ons
IMAGEPath Image Management System View And
Archive With IMAGEPath OptraSCANs IMAGEPath
image management tool is designed to streamline
laboratory work?ows, drive accuracy and
OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900
info_at_optrascan.com www.optrascan.com
2An ISO 13485 cer??ed company OptraSCAN systems
are CE mark for IVD use All OptraSCAN systems are
for research use only in North America
Web and mobile-based image sharing and Allows interface with third party repor?ng and
collabora?on - Access Any?me / Anywhere analy?cal pla?orms
Easy Scalability Supports various vendor pla?orms
Easy Integra?on ? Integra?on to Ac?ve Directory Supports Telemedicine
Integra?on to Carestream VNA Supports comprehensive educa?onal ini?a?ves
Integra?on to HIS Supports lossless image capture and storage
Integra?onusing ADT, ORU and ORM Supports image pyramid concept of image storage
Smart and Cost e?ec?ve Supports image pyramid concept of image storage
Compa?ble with 70 image formats and various Allows storage of metadata
image analysis tools Support Pathology Processing Hierarchy
JPEG2000, TIFF, SVS, MRXS, CZI, NDPI, JPEG,OpenSlide compa?ble Metadata capturing at sub dimension level
Allows Security traceability Monitoring Data storage 1-10 TB
User authen?ca?on and "role-enabled" access Available as iOS and Android apps
Intui?ve interface designed for clinical and Secure storage with fast case and image retrieval
research work?ows Plug and play capabili?es interfaces with various
Single slide and batch folder imports LIMS and HIS
Audit trail func?on and compliance with IEC Generate reports with score, comments,
62304, 21 CFR part 11, HIPAA regula?ons diagnosis and ROI images
User management
Report genera?on
Case crea?on
Image analysis
Case management
Web-based image viewer
Image repor?ng so?ware
Audit trail
Case assignment
Contains supports image viewers
OptraSCAN IMAGEPath Includes
A?ordable Price
Image management
Annual maintenance upgrade
OptraSCAN India Pvt. Ltd. (020) 6654-0900
info_at_optrascan.com www.optrascan.com