Title: Loveline Abinokhauno – How To stay enthusiastic every day?
1How To stay enthusiastic every day?
How To stay enthusiastic every day?
Loveline Abinokhauno
2There are days when youd like to see a change in
your sluggish approach to life. You want to get
excited about things. Not only to make other
people feel good when they accomplish something,
but also because, lets face it, it looks a lot
more fun than the way you live-Loveline
3Pay attention to the present moment
One of the main reasons people find it difficult
to be enthusiastic is that they are never truly
present in the moment. Theyre always thinking
about what they did wrong the day before or the
week before.And if theyre not thinking about the
past, theyre thinking about the future and
everything on their to-do list-Loveline
4Reduce your expectations
You may find it difficult to be enthusiastic
about life because you are constantly raising the
bar and asking for too much. While its great to
aim high and push yourself to a certain extent,
youre less likely to be disappointed if you have
more realistic expectations.
5Set your jealousy aside
Jealousy can contribute to a lack of enthusiasm
for other peoples accomplishments- Loveline
Abinokhauno. If your primary emotion when hearing
other peoples good news is envy, its
understandable that you wont respond
enthusiastically. If you find yourself struggling
with jealousy, limiting your use of social media
can be a good first step.
6Thanks For Watching
Source https//lovelineabinokhauno.wordpress.com