Title: DebraaWilliams (6)
1Why Should You Share
Your Abortion?Experience ?
2Concept of Abortion Experience
To create awareness about abortion
To normalise abortion based on any age
To create awareness on, Abortion has no bearing
on your professional life
To make abortion acceptable in every relationship
We live in a time where everyone has strong
feelings and opinions on everything that happens
in the world. At the same time abortion continues
to get stigmatised. While many nations have taken
decisions to make abortion more
accessiblewhether medically or surgically, there
is a scense of relief from abortion and nothing
to be ashamed of.?Abortion is common, and we
believe that speaking up with an abortion story
can help to normalise it. We will explain why
you should speak up and share your
abortion experience in this blog.?
4To create awareness about abortion
Few women consider abortion to be risky due to
their lack of awareness about it. Women who live
far away from abortion clinics or facilities have
a difficult time getting an abortion. A number of
them were regretful as their unplanned pregnancy
grew.?Abortion with pill?or medical abortion may
be ideal for these women, but due to a lack of
awareness, they continue to choose methods of
abortion that are potentially dangerous to their
We feel, however, that discussing ones abortion
experience might help other women understand the
procedure. If you want to share your abortion
experience, you might include few informative
pointers. You may begin by describing the type of
abortion you had, then the procedure, and lastly
how you recovered safely.?
5To normalise abortion based on any age
Every woman over the age of 18 has access to
medical and surgical abortion. As a result,
these women are allowed to perform abortions on
their own or through any medical technique. Young
women with an undesired pregnancy, on the other
hand, are anxious. This early age abortion
stories might help and provide guidence other
teenage girls to undergo abortions. It also helps
them by selecting the most appropriate abortion
method for their gestation time. While their
privacy is a concern, we
recommend that they consider an?Abortion with
pill, which allows them to effectively end an
undesired pregnancy.
6To create awareness on, Abortion has
no bearing on your professional life
7Many women believe that having an abortion
will change the worlds perception of them. There
are no concerns with abortion, and it has no
bearing on your job. It has no unfavourable
impact on your career.
To avoid this, we should make abortion and
its procedure more normalised by sharing
personal experiences and stories in the most
suitable manner. If you have a sense of anxiety
and are concerned about others finding about
your pregnancy, we advise that you consider
having an?abortion with pill?to provide the most
privacy possible.
8To make abortion acceptable
in every relationship
9While many womens puzzled by questions such
as, What am I expected to do with my
unwanted pregnancy? Is it okay if I keep this to
myself? Should I talk to the babys father about
it? What if we all have different perspectives?
These questions may make them nervous about how
an abortion choice would affect
your relationship. Hearing a story from someone
can help them to deal with this aspect of stress
in this situation.
Abortion has no impact on interpersonal
relationships. If a women is not married, they
can still get an abortion if they choose to end
their unwanted pregnancy. To maintain such
privacy we recommend to consider having
an?abortion with pill. Other women have stated
that their partners supported them in
the abortion process and were there for them
throughout their post-abortion recovery in a few
abortion stories.
You may share your abortion and recovery
experiences in a many ways. You can begin sharing
your stories on various media platforms, to your
trusted close friends, or with someone who is
considering having an abortion, as it may be
helpful to them.?
10Our process
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