Title: Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
1 Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
Discover the Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System,
featuring a 900mAh battery, two different pod
options and airflow, and has selectable dual
firing mechanisms. Offering an integrated 900mAh
battery, the ARGUS AIR utilizes the GENE.AI
Chipset to great success. Equipped with a dual
firing mode, operating off of draw or button
activated firing mechanisms, the VOOPOO ARGUS AIR
pairs is versatile. Outfitting with two types of
pod options, standard with replaceable coils, and
the other with an integrated coil, the ARGUS Air
Pod System offers an airflow control system when
using the standard pod, allowing the user to
rotate the installed pod to access a restricted
DL or MTL airflow.
2 Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
- Includes1 ARGUS Air Device1 3.8mL Pod
Cartridge1 3.8mL Standard Cartridge1 Type-C
Cable1 0.6ohm PnP-TM1 Coil1 User Manual
3 Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
FeaturesDimensions - 95.3mm by 31.4mm by
19.3mmIntegrated 900mAh Rechargeable
BatteriesWattage Output Range 5-25WVoltage
Output Range 3.2-4.2VResistance Range
0.6-3.0ohmZinc-Alloy Chassis ConstructionDual
Firing Modes - Button and Breath ActivatedSingle
Firing Button0.54" OLED Display
ScreenRotational 180 Standard Pod Airflow
OptionsMagnetic Pod ConnectionDual Pod
Options3.8mL Standard PodSide Fill System -
Silicone Stoppered
4 Voopoo ARGUS AIR 25W Pod System
VOOPOO PnP Coil Series0.6ohm PnP-TM1 CoilPress
Fit Coil Connection3.8mL Pod CartridgeSide Fill
System1.2ohm Integrated CoilMagnetic Pod
ConnectionOvertime ProtectionShort-Circuit
ProtectionOvercharge ProtectionMax Power
ProtectionOver Current Output ProtectionOver
Discharge ProtectionOver Temperature
ProtectionType-C USB PortAvailable in Vintage
Brown, Snow Land, Desert Camouflage, Carbon
Fiber, Vintage Grey, Red Black, Classic Black