Title: Cleaning & Disinfecting Tips For Coronavirus
1Cleaning Disinfecting Tips For Coronavirus
2Personal Hygiene Measures
Maintaining personal hygiene measures can keep
you and your family safe during the pandemic
situation. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth
with dirty hands. Before touching, use a hand
sanitizer. Avoid coughing and sneezing into your
hands. Always wear a mask, specially in public
places and maintain social distancing. Finally,
regularly wash your hands with soap or sanitizers.
3Clean Your Home
Clean the high touch surfaces of your home with
coronavirus cleaning products. The high touch
surfaces include-door knobs, taps, toilets,
kitchen, bathroom, tables, chairs, mobiles, etc.
First clean them with soap and water. Then use
disinfectants to remove any disease-causing
germs. Before using the disinfectant products,
read the directions carefully.
4Clean Your Clothes
Coronavirus can sustain on fabrics as well. It is
advisable to clean your clothes regularly with
cleaning solutions. You also need to spray your
clothes with disinfectant to kill germs. You can
use laundry at home using soap or detergent.
Avoid using the same clothes without washing and
change your clothes after coming from outside.
5Food Packing
Handle and prepare your food with care. Remove
the container and dispose it off. Wash fruits and
vegetables with a disinfectant after buying from
the market. After washing the fruits, vegetables
do not forget to was your hands with soap and
water. Packing like cans to be wiped with
disinfectant before using.
6General Hygiene
Always use clean utensils and make sure that you
clean your hands with soap and water before
eating. Make sure that your children always wear
a mask and wash their hands. Avoid crowded areas
and keep perishable items in refrigerator. Keep
your bathrooms clean and hygienic. Use
coronavirus cleaning products for better results.
7 Thank You!
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