Title: 4 Easy Tips To Maintain Your Robot Cleaners
14 Easy Tips To Maintain YourRobot Cleaner
2Clean The Brushes Regularly
Regularly check the wheels, side brushes, main
brushes of your vacuum cleaner to ensure that no
hair or string gets attached. Hair or strings
often get entangled in the wheels and degrade the
performance of the cleaner. These tangle the
rotating parts from moving properly making them
slower or stopping them.
3Clear The Dustbin Regularly
A robot vacuum cleaner has a smaller dustbin than
the normal full-sized ones. This makes the
dustbins to be emptied more often to avoid
clogging or overflowing. Be sure to clear the
dustbins before and after each cleaning process.
This enhances the efficiency of your vacuum
4Clean The HEPA Filter
Robot vacuum cleaners are fitted with HEPA
filters that trap even the smallest dust
particles. This is required for germ-free and
allergen-free environment. HEPA filters are
located in the dustbin area. Clean them regularly
with a brush and soapy water. Make sure that it
dries before reinstalling.
5Always Protect The Sensors
Most robot vacuum cleaners have front and back
sensors that act as eyes for them. These are
sensitive and are used for detecting obstacles
on their way. If your device gets stuck while
cleaning under a bed or a sofa, do not pull it.
Gently lift up your device and reposition it as
it may cause harm to the sensors.
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