Title: Patent Registration in Jaipur
1What is Patent Registíation?
A patent is a íight píovided to an individual
whetheí natuíal oí aítificial by the goveínment
thíough the Patent Act which íestíicts otheí
peísons fíom using/selling/ impoíting the
patented píoduct oí píocess without píioí
appíoval of the inventoí. lhe Patent becomes
peímanent when it is íegisteíed undeí the Patent
Act, 1970 and which píovides an exclusive legal
íight to the inventoí to píohibit otheís fíom
using a paíticulaí invention. lhe íight of
píotection is given foí 20 yeaís and afteí which
said invention comes into the public domain and
can be used by otheís. As peí the legal íight
píovided to the patent holdeí, he/she/ can file
a case against the peíson who infíinges the
patent oí misíepíesents oí misuses the same said
What is a Patent Application? Legal Window offers
the best services for Patent registration in
Jaipur. A Patent is a statutory right for an
invention granted for a limited period to the
patentee by the Government, in exchange for full
disclosure of his invention for excluding
others, from making, using, selling, importing
the patented product or process for producing
that product for those purposes without his
consent The term of every patent granted is 20
years from the date of filing of the application.
However, for applications filed under the
national phase under Patent Cooperation Treaty
(PCT), the term of the patent will be 20 years
from the international filing date accorded
under PCT. The patent system in India is
governed by the Patents Act, 1970, and the
Patents Rules, 2003. The Patent Rules are
regularly amended in consonance with the
changing environment, the most recent being in
2016. Patent protection is a territorial right
and therefore it is effective only within the
territory of India. There is no concept of a
global patent. However, applying in India enables
2the applicant to file a corresponding application
for the same invention in convention countries
or under PCT, within or before the expiry of
twelve months from the filing date in India.
Patents should be obtained in each country where
the applicant requires the protection of his
invention. Ouí lhíee-Step Simple Píocess Online
Patent Registíation in thíee simple steps
Engagement Consultation
Infoímation Collection Documentation
Application Registíation Benefits of a Patent
Right to stop otheís fíom copying, manufactuíing,
selling, oí impoíting youí invention without
youí peímission
Get píotection foí a píe-deteímined peíiod,
allowing you to keep competitoís at bay
You can license youí patent foí otheís to use oí
you can sell it
3Cíeate an Intangible Asset
A patented píoduct is likely to impíove bíand
peíception and potentially enable youí business
to chaíge a píemium.
- lhe owneí of the patent contíols the use of the
invention foí twenty yeaís and longeí - Documents Requiíed foí Patent Registíation
- Complete specification i.e. Design/Píocess/litle
- Name, addíess, and nationality of inventoís
- Name, addíess, and nationality of applicants
- Poweí of Attoíney (lo be filed in case the
application is filed by a patent agent) - Assignment Deed oí Application Ïoím endoísed by
the inventoí (if the inventoís aíe not the
applicants) - Details of coííesponding applications filed in
otheí countíies (Infoímation and undeítaking
undeí Section 8) - MSME oí Staít-up India Ceítificate (If any) foí
enjoying subsidized cost - Veíified English tíanslation of the Píioíity
application (íequiíed foí convention
applications) - What all do you get?
- Complete specifications íegistíation of device
patents with the Indian Patent Office. Complete
díawings/ illustíations, abstíact and claims to - the píovided by the client which will be vetted
by a Legal Window expeít. Inclusive of
goveínment fees and seívice tax.
4- Complete specifications íegistíation of device,
design, oí Píocess with the Indian Patent
Office. Invention Descíiption and díawings/
illustíations to be píovided by the client.
Abstíact and claims - specifications will be díafted by a Legal window
expeít. Inclusive of the examination íepoít.
Inclusive of goveínment fees and seívice tax. - Abstíact and claims specifications will be
díafted by a Legal window - expeít.
- Inclusive of the examination íepoít. Inclusive of
goveínment fees and - seívice tax.
Steps to Ïile a Patent online
Step 1
- Engagement consultation on basics of Patent
Filing - Collection of the necessaíy infoímation and
píovisional application - Píepaíe Díaft íequiíed documents about the
complete patent application, detailed
infoímation about examination of the invention
its uses, with well- - defined claims.
Step 2
- Díafting of documents by expeít píofessionals
- Díafting of Peímanent patent application
- Filing of Patent application
Step 3
- Filing of the Peímanent patent application
complete - Await patent Office Appíoval
- Receipt fíom Patent office with application
numbeí, the title of the invention, - and date of filing