Title: Partnership Firm Registration in Jaipur
1- What is Paítneíship Registíation?
- A Paítneíship is a business stíuctuíe in which
two oí moíe individuals manage and opeíate a
business by the teíms and goals set out in the
paítneíship deed. Paítneíship íegistíation is
íelatively easy and is píevalent among small and
medium-sized businesses in the unoíganized
sectoís. Paítneíship Fiím Registíation in Jaipuí
is done thíough Legal Window. - Foí Paítneíship Registíation, you must agíee on a
fiím name and then establish a paítneíship deed.
It is a document stating the íespective íights
and obligations of the paítneís and to be valid
it should be wíitten and not oíal. lhe teíms of
the Paítneíship Deed can be vaíied to suit the
inteíests of the paítneís and can even be made
contíaíy to the Indian Paítneíship Act, 1932 but
if the Paítneíship Deed is silent on any point,
then the píovisions of the Act would apply. - Choose Paítneíship because
- Paítneíship íegistíation is veíy easy.
- Paítneíship íegistíation is inexpensive as
compaíed to LLP. - It has minimum compliance íequiíements.
What Is Included In Ouí Paítneíship
Registíation Package?
- Díafting of Paítneíship Deed
- Name seaích appíoval
- lAN
- Paítneíship Pan Caíd
Píoceduíe Foí LLP Registíation
2Complete ouí Paítneíship Foím You aíe íequiíed
to fill in the details in ouí simple online
questionnaiíe and submit documents. SlARl
Veíification of Documents Foí fuítheí píoceduíes,
the details píovided by you will be veíified by
ouí expeíts.
Paítneíship Deed Díafting Fuítheí afteí
submitting youí documents, we shall díaft youí
Paítneíship deed. 2 WORKING DAYS
Apply foí lAN PAN We will cíeate all the
íequiíed documents and file them with ROC on youí
behalf. 2 WORKING DAYS
3- Youí woík is completed
- Ïíee Company Name Seaích Documents Requiíed Ïoí
Paítneíship Registíation - lhe following documents aíe íequiíed foí the
íegistíation of a Paítneíship fiím - Statement in Foím 1 with the píescíibed fees
- Notaíised líue Copy of the Paítneíship Deed
stating the following - lhe fiím-name
- lhe natuíe of business of the fiím
- lhe place oí píincipal place of business of the
fiím - lhe names of any otheí places wheíe the fiím
caííies on business - lhe date when each paítneí joined the fiím
- lhe names in full and peímanent addíesses of the
paítneís - lhe duíation of the fiím
- Píoof of owneíship oí íent/lease of the location
of youí business. (e.g. Electíicity Bill/ Wateí
Bill oí Rent/Lease/Leave and Licence Agíeement of
Business Place) - Copy of PAN Caíd of paítneís
- Copy of Aadhaaí Caíd/ Voteí identity caíd
Steps Ïoí LLP Registíation
Step 1 All the above-mentioned documents must
be submitted to the Registíaí of fiíms of the
state. Step 2
4A ceítificate of Registíation is then issued, by
the Registíaí, and a copy should be given to all
the paítneís. Step 3 Also, a sepaíate
íegistíation with the Income lax depaítment is to
be done to avoid any futuíe píoblems and must
obtain a PAN caíd and a bank account undeí the
name of the Paítneíship fiím. Why Paítneíship
Relatively Inexpensive
Minimal Compliances
Easy to establish
Audit not íequiíed
Minimum Requiíements foí Paítneíship Registíation
- Minimum 2 Paítneís
- No fixed minimum Capital Requiíement
5Need foí Paítneíship Registíation If you dont
íegisteí youí Paítneíship
Paítneí Cannot sue fiím A paítneí in an
uníegisteíed paítneíship fiím cannot sue the
fiím foí enfoícing any íights undeí the Indian
Paítneíship Act, 1932. Cannot claim Setoff in a
dispute with a thiíd paíty. lhe fiím cannot use
thiíd paíties wheíeas the thiíd paíties would be
able to sue the fiím iííespective of