Title: Michael Landis - Historian - A Passionate Influencer
1Michael Landis - Historian
History Professor Published Author Educator
2(No Transcript)
3With a resume full of excellent work and honours,
Michael Landis (Historian) has been working and
achieving success through all of his hard work.
Michael Landis' scholarly interests include
Slavery, Politics and Partisanship, and Public
4In addition, Michael Landis is a well-known
historian, author, and educator and is employed
as a communications manager and public programs
officer at the Saratoga County History Center,
where he successfully manages various projects.
5In addition, Michael Landis (Historian) works as
an Adjunct Professor of History at Union College
and as a Research Associate at Skidmore College
in New York City. As a prominent author, he has
evaluated numerous books and consulted on other
projects to improve them.
6Michael Landis, a remarkable individual, has
received numerous honours, prizes, and
fellowships for his extraordinary work and
contributions to his area.
7Michael Landis (Historian) has also made media
appearances to emphasize his work and effort,
which he continues to do, establishing himself as
a fantastic individual.
To know more about him visit his official site